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We are running a paper based survey in our libraries asking people about their experience of your visit..
Closed on Mar 4, 20
Dorset Council is looking for feedback on its plans to construct a modern waste management centre for Blandford, which will also include a new household recycling centre (HRC, or “the tip”) for residents.
Closed on Jan 18, 21
We want people to give their views on a draft policy for how Dorset Council sets park home license fees.
Closed on Mar 21, 21
The survey asks for views on the future of the Shoppers Parking Permit. previously provided by the former West Dorset District Council in their area.
Closed on Dec 6, 20
There is clear scientific evidence to show that climate change is happening and is due to human activity. Whilst this is a huge global challenge, many solutions are local.
Closed on Jan 20, 21
The Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Travel Survey is designed to monitor long-term trends in personal travel and to inform the development of policy and to try and improve travel in the area. This survey will help understand how people who live and work in the area travel around and their reasons for travelling in that way.
Closed on Jan 13, 19
We are asking members of the public about their experience of community safety issues and what’s important to them.
Closed on Feb 21, 21
Have your say on the proposed changes to the working age Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme from April 2019 for the new Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council.
Closed on Oct 15, 18
The Community Safety Partnership Strategic Assessment 2019/20 proposes priorities for the coming year.
Closed on Feb 22, 19
The Purbeck Local Plan was submitted for examination in January 2019.The council is now consulting on proposed Main Modifications.
Closed on Jan 15, 21
As part of the council’s wider aim for developing a support package for the voluntary and community sector, Dorset Council is considering introducing a Community Lottery.
Closed on Oct 13, 19
Do you, or anyone you know ever look for information online about help and support for adults? We are working on a new Adult Social Care website and need your help to test it.
Closed on Jun 3, 20
We would like to hear what you think about these proposals. Due to the Coronavirus the survey has been extended by 8 weeks and will now close on 20 July 2020. If you need a paper copy of this survey or know someone who cannot participate without one please call 01305 221000.
Closed on Jul 20, 20
The Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty stretches across almost half of the county – giving many of us a nationally important landscape right on our doorstep. During August and September, local people are being asked to pitch in their views about what they think is special and what needs to be done to keep it so. The question comes from the Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Partnership, which is reviewing the 5-year Management Plan for the area.
Closed on Oct 2, 18
Tell us what you think about where you live and how you feel about Dorset Council. This year there are some extra questions about the impact of COVID-19 and what access you have to the internet. Your responses will be used to inform improvements to council services. The survey takes about 5 minutes to complete.
Closed on Nov 16, 20
Local planning authorities are also required to have a Statement of Community Involvement. The Statement of Community Involvement outlines how the council will involve the community on all planning matters. This includes producing a Dorset Local Plan, plans for minerals and waste, working with Neighbourhood Plan groups, and processing planning applications.
Closed on Aug 2, 19
Weymouth residents are being asked to have their say on proposals to enhance the harbour area for families, hospitality businesses and active travel.
Closed on Feb 24, 21
We have been considering a proposal for a new Park. This will continue the improvements primarily made to the recreation area at Stanpit as part of a Master Plan adopted in 2013/14, expanding this into what is currently the 9 hole pitch and putt course to the south of Two Riversmeet Leisure Centre. The new Park does not include Stanpit Marsh.
Closed on Mar 31, 20
A review of the Residents’ Parking Permit Policy affecting Zones A and C in the area known locally as the Park District of Weymouth.
Closed on Dec 1, 19
Dorset Council is looking for your thoughts on the future of the Lyme Regis Tourist Information Centre (TIC). This service is currently run by Dorset Council and based in a building owned by Lyme Regis Town Council.
Closed on Feb 10, 20
As a council, communicating with residents is very important to us. The county council want to find out the best ways to communicate with residents. The survey asks about how people currently find information about the council, what media they use and how they would like to get information in the future. The information will be used to help us provide more effective communication with residents.
Closed on Aug 23, 18
Dorset Council Cabinet has approved its draft Council Plan outlining the organisation’s aspirations and priorities for the next four years. This draft plan is now being consulted on.
Closed on Dec 20, 19
A survey asking residents what they think of the new style council newspaper
Closed on Jul 31, 19
We keep a mailing list of people interested in consultations and planning policy development.
Closed on Jul 1, 20
In autumn 2019, we commissioned an independent research agency to conduct the first residents’ survey for Dorset Council. This was a closed sample survey .
Closed on Nov 15, 19
To help plan and focus areas of work, the council is asking residents to make suggestions using an online map to highlight areas of concern for walking and cycling and see what issues have already been raised.
Closed on Jul 31, 20
Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule Consultation on a Statement of Further Modifications
Closed on Jan 15, 21
Over recent years there has been a decline in traditional library use, but demand for newer library services such as e-books is growing. We want to make sure our services keep up-to-date with what people want and need. ‘Let’s talk libraries’ is about helping us understand the needs in Dorset, not about funding.
Closed on Dec 2, 18
Dorset Council is conducting a review of how to financially support the voluntary community sector beyond March 2021. This page will provide updated information throughout the process so please check back regularly.
Closed on Mar 11, 20
West Dorset District Council were looking to understand the public’s views on the West Bay Rd car boot sale. The car boot currently is situated on a public car park owned and managed by WDDC. The survey looked at how much people valued the boot sale and the suitability of the current location.
Closed on Jun 12, 18
The Chickerell Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted to Dorset Council for examination. Dorset Council are required to consult on the plan before examination takes place.
Closed on Oct 16, 20
Help us create Dorset Council's new Economic Growth Strategy
Closed on Jan 20, 20
Give your views on the former St Mary's School site, Shaftesbury
Closed on Mar 18, 21
Dorset Council are producing plans for a community development including new care and housing facilities on two sites off South Street in Bridport.
Closed on Aug 7, 20
We are creating a single licensing policy for the Dorset Council area.
Closed on Sep 26, 20
Dorset Council is carrying out a public consultation on rules about dogs in public spaces This will help with the development of the new Dorset-wide Dog-related Public Spaces Protection Order and has been extended 3 weeks due to the Coronavirus pandemic
Closed on May 12, 20
The Dorset Historical Environment Record (HER) is a record of archaeological finds, features and historic buildings in the county and underpins the work of Dorset Council and of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council in areas such as planning, education and countryside management.
Closed on Apr 30, 21
Future plans for Weymouth, West Bay and Lyme Regis Harbours are being considered and how best to balance the interests of its wide variety of users and the importance of the harbours to the Dorset Coast.
Closed on Oct 11, 20
Dorset Council are creating a Gambling Licensing Policy for the whole of the Dorset Council area
Closed on Sep 27, 20
The Dorset Council Local Plan Options Consultation is now live, and runs until 15 March 2021.
Closed on Apr 28, 21