Purbeck Local Plan Proposed Main Modifications

The Purbeck Local Plan was submitted for examination, by a Planning Inspectorate appointed by the Secretary of State, in January 2019. Public examination hearing sessions were held in July, August and October 2019. The Inspector examining the local plan issued a Post Hearing Note in March 2020.The council has prepared a schedule of proposed Main Modifications to the pre-submission draft of the local plan as part of its examination. These proposed Main Modifications are considered necessary to ensure that the local plan is legally compliant and/or sound. Proposed Main Modifications have been suggested by the Inspector, respondents (including those participants at the hearing sessions) and by the council.

This survey closed on Jan 15, 21. Thank you for your views.

Find out more about the Purbeck Local Plan here.


Name: Planning Policy Team
Email: planningpolicy@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Phone: 01305 251010

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