Dorset Shopper Permit Consultation

Residents in the West Dorset District Council area have been able to purchase a Shoppers Permit. Shoppers Permits allow 2 hours parking (limited to one use per day) or 3 hours parking if a disabled badge is also displayed. At extra cost to the purchaser, it can be used in in a second vehicle but not on the same day.

With the new Dorset Council covering the whole Dorset area, having the Shoppers Permit available in just part of the area is not fair. Therefore, the future of the shoppers permit is under review. We would like your views on whether it should be made available to the whole Dorset Council area or should be withdrawn.

The current Shoppers Permit is a cardboard disk which is displayed in vehicle windscreens. The new permit may be virtual where the registration number allows access for a set period in short stay car parks.

This survey closed on Dec 6, 20. Thank you for your views. Once results are available they will be published here.


Name: Elizabeth Murray
Phone: 01305 221813

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