Purbeck Community Infrastructure Levy review proposed Further Modifications to the CIL Draft Charging Schedule consultation

The Council submitted the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule and Priorities for Spending, 2019 (the Schedule) for examination in January 2019. At the same time the Council consulted on a number of minor changes in a Statement of Modifications which was subsequently submitted to the Examiner with the responses to that consultation.

Additional minor changes are set out in a Statement of Further Modifications (the Statement) reflecting changes in CIL Regulations and addressing new evidence, changes in planning use classes and updates in the draft Purbeck Local Plan(2018-2034) during examination. are being consulted on. Comments on the Statement of Modifications and Dorset Council CIL Viability Extra Care Addendum should be submitted by 11.45pm on 18 December 2020.

This survey closed on Jan 15, 21. Thank you for your views. Once results are available they will be published here.


Name: Sue Bellamy
Email: sue.bellamy@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk

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