Park District, Weymouth Residents' Parking Permit Consultation

On 11 January 2019, residents from the Park District Community Forum presented a petition to the Council’s Petitions Committee. The purpose of the petition was to ask for a review of the Residents’ Parking Permit Policy specifically affecting the area known locally as the Park District of Weymouth.

The Petitions Committee felt that there two specific aspects to the policy which could be introduced to try and alleviate the strain on parking and were supportive of a review:

  • the business/hotel permit should be made available at an enhanced cost, but with parking permitted only in the Town Centre Car Parks and not in the residential areas
  • the number of permits per household would not be restricted but subject to a sliding scale of increased charges for each subsequent car attached to that particular household

It is now proposed to consult with the local community and other key stakeholders for 6 weeks on these two particular issues, and other general suggestions.

Views would therefore be welcome from local residents, local businesses, local guest house/hotel owners.

For the purposes of this consultation, the roads included are Zones A, C and (A & C).

It does not at this stage include Zones B, F, G, H and L but this does not prevent comment from residents living in these areas.

This survey closed on Dec 1, 19. Thank you for your views.

Main Consultation Report

Consultation Appendix Report

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