Housing allocations policy consultation

We have drafted a social housing allocations policy which:

  • aims to offer people seeking accommodation a choice about where they live
  • is fair and easy to use
  • offers solutions to those most in need while making the best use of the housing stock available

If you’re a tenant, resident or landlord living in the Dorset Council area, or you live outside of the area and want to move into social housing, you could be affected by these proposals and we would like to hear what you think.

If you need a paper copy of this survey or know someone who cannot participate without one please call 01305 221000.

This survey closed on Jul 20, 20. Thank you for your views.

There are two reports:

The main Consultation report

The Consultation report Appendix


Name: Housing Options Team
Email: housingoptionsteamb@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Phone: 01202 228947

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