the pandemic.
Dorset Council has been awarded £577k and is now considering what
measures could be taken to help residents with social distancing while
travelling around towns, and in preparation for the restart after
lockdown. Temporary solutions could include:
To help plan and focus areas of work, the council is asking residents
to make suggestions using an online map to highlight areas of concern
and see what issues have already been raised. All suggestions will be
examined but, due to funding limitations, not all submitted ideas can
be progressed.
Of the £577k awarded, £115k is for the short-term immediate measures
needed to support social distancing and ensure safer town centres now
shops have started to reopen from 15 June, where town councils have
played a significant role in identifying priorities.
A further £462k is available for medium-term or permanent measures,
with residents being asked to highlight concerns of pavement and
cycleway pinch points.
This survey closed on Jul 31, 20. Thank you for your views.
You can find
out about the results here.
The results from this work is continuing to be used to inform future
schemes and prioritise work as part of Dorset Council’s development of
cycling and walking infrastructure. Summaries of the results from the
exercise have been discussed with the local Dorset Council members to
inform the development of the schemes currently in development.
the engagement exercise last year allows every public input to remain
publicly available here: