Chickerell Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2036
The Chickerell Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted to Dorset
Council for examination.
At the examination, an independent examiner will provide a review of
the plan and make recommendations in accordance with the 2011 Localism
Act and related regulations. In particular, the examiner has to
consider whether the plan meets certain basic conditions, satisfies
legal requirements, and identifies an appropriate area for a referendum.
The basic conditions, which are set out in the legislation, are
intended to ensure that neighbourhood plans are compatible with their
wider context. The plan must:
- have regard to national planning policies and advice contained in
guidance issued by the Secretary of State;
- contribute to achieving sustainable development;
- be in general conformity with the strategic policies of the
development plan for the area (the
West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland Local Plan); and,
- be compatible with EU obligations and human rights requirements
If the neighbourhood plan receives a favourable examination report,
and is subsequently supported by a local referendum, it will become
part of the development plan. Its policies will be used to make
decisions on relevant planning applications in Chickerell alongside
other appropriate policies within the remainder of the development plan.
Consultation on the Submitted Plan
As the local planning authority, Dorset Council is required to
consult on the plan before the examination takes place. Everyone
(including residents, landowners and businesses) has eight weeks from
Friday 21 August to Friday 16 October 2020 to make
representations on the plan with regard to the content and how it has
been prepared. An independent examiner is being appointed and any
representations will be passed on to them for consideration as part of
the examination process.
This survey closed on Oct 16, 20. Thank you for your views. Once results are available they will be published here.