We will add additional inquiry documents as they are finalised.

AD.01 Appellant Opening Statement

AD.02 Rule 6 Opening Submissions

AD.03 Dorset Council List of Appearances

AD.04 Dorset Council Opening Statement

AD.05 Appellant Amendment of Table 5 of Mr Potter's Rebuttal Proof (R08)[32]

AD.06  Third Party Representation  - Rule 6 Landscape Evidence

AD.07 Proposed Site Plan Canford Magna and Proposed Development Components

AD.08 Application Variation Permit issued-17052023[80]

AD.09 Canford MBT 2022 all removals

AD.13 S2953-0410-0004SMO Supplementary note on third party submissions

AD.14 UKWIN response to Fichtner Supplementary Inquiry Note

AD.15 1081-02-37 Powerfuel Portland MOJ Connection Plan ISS01[68]

AD.16 Appellant Closing Submission

AD.17 Dorset Council Closing Submission

AD.18 Rule 6 Closing Submission

AD.19 S2953-0410-0005SMO Supplementary Note on Water Supply[39]

AD.20 R (Cherkley Campaign) v Mole Valley [2014] EWCA Civ 567[48]

AD.21 Extracts from Tolvik ESA Report UK Residual Waste 2030 Market Review[18]

AD.22 Proposed Canford ERF - Dorset Council Response - 21-12-23 (002)

AD.23 Amanda Newby de Saulles- Interested Party

AD.24 Amanda Wallwork - Interested Party

AD.25 Andrea Frankham-Hughes - Interested Party

AD.26 Andrew Matthews - Portland Community Partnership - Interested Party

AD.27 Andrew McQueen - Interested Party

AD.28 Barry Walsh - Interested Party

AD.29 Carralyn Parkes, Mayor of Portland - Interested Party

AD.30 Chris Moyle - Weymouth Civic Society - Interested Party

AD.31 Cllr Avril Harris - Interested Party

AD.32 Cllr Brian Heatley - Interested Party

AD.33 Cllr Clare Sutton - Interested Party

AD.34 Cllr Giovanna Lewis - Interested Party

AD.35 Cllr Paul Kimber - Interested Party

AD.36 Cllr Rob Hughes - Interested Party

AD.37 Diana Gill - Interested Party

AD.38 Etienne Stott - Interested Party

AD.39 Finn Caldecoat - Interested Party

AD.40 Fynn Sterritt - Interested Party redacted

AD.41 Gerry Hindle - Interested Party

AD.42 Gillian Pearson - Interested Party

AD.43 Guy Dickinson (CPRE) - Interested Party

AD.44 Hannah Sofaer - Portland Sculpture & Quarry Trust - Interested Party

AD.45 Helena Berry - Interested Party redacted

AD.46 Hilary Breakwell - Interested Party

AD.47 Jane Collison - Interested Party redacted

AD.48 Janet Davis - Ramblers - Interested Party

AD.49 Jo Jackson - Interested Party

AD.50 John Webb - Interested Party - Presentation script v4 Draft in progress

AD.51 John Webb - Interested Party - Coastal & Marine Impacts of Particulate Emissions

AD.52 John Webb - Interested Party - Presentation - Appendices v1 Draft in progress

AD.53 John Webb - Interested Party - Comments_v3a Final

AD.54 John Webb - Interested Party - Comments_v3a Annex A - Extracts

AD.55 Jonathan Tweedle - Interested Party

AD.56 Kathryn Pearce - Interested Party

AD.57 Kim Wilcocks - Interested Party

AD.58 Laura Baldwin - Interested Party redacted

AD.59 Lesley Saunders - Interested Party

AD.60 Lisa Anderson redacted

AD.61 Michael Toft - Interested Party

AD.62 Penny Quilter - Interested Party

AD.63 Peter Gwillim - Interested Party

AD.64 Portland Youth Council - Interested Party

AD.65 Rebecca Kemp - Interested Party

AD.66 Rob Cheeseman - Interested Party redacted

AD.67 Stephen Coggins - Interested Party

AD.68 Steve - Interested Party

AD.69 Sylvia Barker - Interested Party redacted

AD.70 Tony Dobbs - Interested Party 1

AD.71 Tony Dobbs - Interested Party 2

AD.72 Tony Dobbs - IPCC Emissions from Waste Incineration Good Practice Guidance

AD.73 Tony Dobbs - glos-review-Nov 2015

AD.74 Tony Walter - Interested Party

AD.75 UKWIN 14 December 2023 Portland Appeal Presentation (Delivery Version)

AD.76 List of References for the Evidence in UKWIN's Presentation to Powerfuel Appeal

AD.77 Unknown Speaker 1- Interested Party

AD.78 Unknown Speaker 2 - Interested Party

AD.79 Weyfish, Hatch, Catch & Weyfish Boat Co - Interested Party

AD.80 Weymouth Town Council - Cllrs Harris, Wheller, Hamilton & Bergman