These are orders which have received objections and have subsequently been sent to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for determination.

Any queries relating to orders currently with the Secretary of State should be directed to The Planning Inspectorate.

Dorset Council Bridleway 8 (Part) Cheselbourne and Bridleway 18 Dewlish to be upgraded to Byways Open to All Traffic) Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2020

Reference: PMH/DC/T339/PINS1

The Order was made by Dorset Council on 6 March 2020 and advertised by Dorset Council on 6 August 2020. Two objections were outstanding.

The interim decision was that The Order is proposed for confirmation subject to the modifications set out below in the Formal Decision.

On 8 April 2024 PINS confirmed the Order, see copy of Confirmed Order, Public Notice and Explanatory Statement below.

Copies of the documents relating to this order, as submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, are in the following table:

Documents relating to this order
Document Reference Description Documents
n/a PINS submission letter PINS submission letter
2 Two copies of the order and associated maps Document Reference 2
3 Extract from the definitive map and statement

Document Reference 3

Document Reference 3 - Map

4 Statement of Case

Document Reference 4

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Appendix 6

5 Representations and objections to the order (including supporters), along with a covering list of their names

Document Reference 5

6 Statement containing the Council’s comments on the objections

Document Reference 6

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

7 A copy of the Secretary of States’ dispensation letter Document Reference 7
8 Copy of the notice publicising the order together with a copy of newspaper cutting(s)

Document Reference 8 - Notice

Document Reference 8 - Advert

9 Certificate that, in accordance with the requirements of the Act, notices have been published, served and posted on site and at the local offices Document Reference 9
10 Certificate that the necessary consultations have been carried out (other local authorities and statutory undertakers) Document Reference 10
11 Copies of any consultation replies and the responses by the OMA Document Reference 11
12 Name and address of every person notified under paragraph 3(2)(b)(i),(ii) and(iv) of Schedule 15 to the 1981 Act n/a
13 Location map to enable the Inspector to locate the site Document Reference 13
14 Landowners Written Permission Document Reference 14
15 Health and Safety Questionnaire Document Reference 15
16 User Evidence Forms (UEF)

User Evidence Forms

Statements of case

View the Objector's Statement of Case

View Piddle Valley Parish Council's Statement of Case

Interim Decision Notice

View the Interim Decision Notice

Proposed Modified Order

View Notice of Order

View proposed Modified Order

Documents Received in Response to Proposed Modified Order

Appendices to Statement of Case

20230725 SGN to PI

Gas Infrastructure plan to go with objection to order

DC response to order

Objection to Interim Decision

Objection to order

Supreme Court Order 2015

Further Documents Received in Response to Proposed Modified Order

Withdrawal of Objection Letter SGN 10/10/23

PINS Notice of Order

PINS letter 16 Nov 23

Notice of Order

PINS reps to Statement of Case

PINS letter 29 February 2024

PINS Final Decision

PINS Final Decision report

Confirmed Order

View a copy of the Confirmed Order

View a copy of Public Notice of Confirmation

View a copy of the Explanatory Statement

Dorset Council (part of Bridleway 33, Stourton Caundle). Definitive Map and Statement Modification order 2023.

The Order was made by Dorset Council on 28 April 2023 and advertised by Dorset Council on 25 May 2023. One objection was received. The Council is supporting confirmation of the Order.

Copies of the documents relating to this Order, as submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, are available below:

Documents relating to this Order

Document Reference Description Documents
n/a PINS submission letter PINS submission letter
1 Order Document Reference 1
2 Extract from Definitive Map and Statement Document Reference 2
3 Statement of Case Document Reference 3
4 Representations and objections to the Order Document Reference 4
5 Comments on objections Document Reference 5
6 Notices Document Reference 6
7 Notice certification Document Reference 7
8 Consultation certification Document Reference 8
9 Consultation responses and Dorset Council responses Document Reference 9
10 Address list Document Reference 10
11 Location map Document Reference 11
13 Health and Safety questionnaire Document Reference 13
Appendix 1   Appendix 1
Appendix 2   Appendix 2
Appendix 3 Photos of site Appendix 3
Appendix 4 Delegated powers report Appendix 4


PINS Letter - 13 March 2024

View PINS letter

Dorset Council (A Byway Open to All Traffic, Beaminster at Crabb’s Barn Lane) Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2020

Reference: PMH/DC/T354/PINS1

The Order was made by Dorset Council on 24 January 2020 and advertised by Dorset Council on 6 February 2020. Three objections were outstanding.

The interim decision is that The Order is proposed for confirmation subject to the modifications set out below in the Formal Decision.

Copies of the documents relating to this order, as submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, are available below:

documents relating to this order
Document Reference Description Documents
n/a PINS submission letter PINS submission letter
2 Two copies of the order and associated maps Document Reference 2
3 Extract from the definitive map and statement Document Reference 3
4 Statement of Case

Document Reference 4

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Appendix 6

5 Representations and objections to the order (including supporters), along with a covering list of their names  Document Reference 5 
6 Statement containing the Council’s comments on the objections

Document Reference 6

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Appendix 6

Appendix 7

Appendix 8

7 A copy of the Secretary of States’ dispensation letter Document Reference 7
8 Copy of the notice publicising the order together with a copy of newspaper cutting(s) Document Reference 8
9 Certificate that, in accordance with the requirements of the Act, notices have been published, served and posted on site and at the local offices Document Reference 9
10 Certificate that the necessary consultations have been carried out (other local authorities and statutory undertakers) Document Reference 10
11 Copies of any consultation replies and the responses by the OMA

 Document Reference 11

12 Name and address of every person notified under paragraph 3(2)(b)(i),(ii) and (iv) of Schedule 15 to the 1981 Act n/a
13 Location map to enable the Inspector to locate the site Document Reference 13
14 Landowners Written Permission Document Reference 14
15 Health and Safety Questionnaire Document Reference 15
16 User Evidence Forms


Statements of case

View the Applicant's statement of case

View the Objector's (1) statement of case

View the Objector's (2) statement of case

View the Objector's (3) statement of case

Notice of Order - Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 – Section 53 Dorset Council (A Byway Open to All Traffic, Beaminster at Crabb’s Barn Lane) Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2020

Notice is hereby given that the above referenced Order has been submitted to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for determination.  An Inspector will be appointed by the Secretary of State to determine the Order.

The start date for the above Order is 20 September 2022.

Consideration of the Order will take the form of exchanges of statements of case and comments on statements of case.

The effect of the Order, if confirmed without modifications, will be to modify the definitive map and statement by adding a Byway Open to All Traffic and upgrading Bridleway 35 to a Byway Open to All Traffic in the parish of Beaminster as follows:

Byway Open to All Traffic, Beaminster (To be numbered Byway 97, Beaminster): From its junction with the C67 Road at Whitesheet Hill, opposite Bridleways 10 and 17at ST 49560299, east southeast along a stone/earth surfaced track (known as Crabb’s Barn Lane) hedged on both sides, to its junction with Footpath 28 at ST50060270 and continuing east south east along the track to its junction with Bridleway 84 and the current Bridleway 35 at ST 50150264. Width: 9.14 metres (30feet) (as indicated in the Beaminster Inclosure Award 1809).

Bridleway 35, Beaminster to be upgraded to Byway Open to All Traffic (To be renumbered as part of Byway 97, Beaminster): From its junction with Bridleway 84 at ST 50150264, south east along an earth surfaced track, hedged on the eastern side and fenced on the western side, to its junction with Bridleway 33 and the access road to Higher Langdon Farm at ST50480216. Width: 5 metres.

Byway Open to All Traffic, Beaminster (To be numbered as part of Byway 97, Beaminster):
From its junction with the current route of Bridleway 35 (to be upgraded) and Bridleway 33 at ST 50480216, south east along a tarmac surfaced road, hedged on the eastern side and fenced on the western side, to its junction with Bridleway 34 at ST 50520206 and continuing south south east (via ST 50560196), hedged on both sides to its junction with the D11205 Road at the Corscombe parish boundary at ST50680165. Width: 5 metres, except for 8 metres at ST 50560196.

Any queries relating to this Order should be referred to Helen Sparks at The Planning Inspectorate, Rights of Way Section, Room 3/A Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN. Telephone: 0303 444 5646. Email: Please quote reference number ROW/3278538 on all correspondence.

Any person wishing to view the statements of case and other documents relating to
this Order may do so by accessing the Link to Dorset Council’s website. If there are any queries, please contact Vanessa Penny, Definitive Map Team Manager. E-mail: Telephone Number: 01305 224719.

View the notice of order

Interim Order Decision

View the Interim Order Decision

Notice of Proposal to Modify Definitive Map Order - Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981

Notice is hereby given pursuant to paragraph 8(2) of Schedule 15 to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 that the Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to determine the Dorset Council (A Byway Open to All Traffic, Beaminster at Crabb’s Barn Lane) Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2020 proposes to modify the Order by providing for the following modifications:

  • delete the text after “From its junction with the C67 Road at Whitesheet Hill, opposite Bridleways 10 and 17 at point C (ST 49560299), east south east along a stone/earth surfaced track (known as Crabb’s Barn Lane) hedged on both sides, to its junction with Footpath 28 at point D (ST 50060270) and continuing east south east along the track to its junction with Bridleway 84 and the current Bridleway 35 at point E (ST 50150264). Width: 9.14 metres (30 feet) (as indicated in the Beaminster Inclosure Award 1809).” in Part I of the Order Schedule.
  • delete the text after “Add:” in Part II of the Order Schedule and insert: “From: ST 49560299    To: ST 50150264
  • From its junction with the C67 Road at Whitesheet Hill, opposite Bridleways 10 and 17, east south east along a stone/earth surfaced track (known as Crabb’s Barn Lane) hedged on both sides, to its junction with Footpath 28 at ST 50060270 and continuing east south east to its junction with Bridleway 84 at ST 50150264.”
  • on the Order plan delete the section of the proposed byway open to all traffic between points E-F-G-H-I.
  • in the key to the Order plan delete the letters F, G, H and I beneath the text “Proposed Byway Open to All Traffic”

A copy of the Order as submitted and a copy of the Order showing the proposed modifications together with the Inspector's Order decision dated 27 July 2023 have been deposited at County Hall reception - Dorset Council, County Hall, Colliton Park, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ and may be inspected free of charge during normal working hours.
Any representation or objection with respect to the proposed modifications may be sent to Helen Sparks by email: quoting reference number ROW/3278538 on all correspondence between 21 September 2023 and 19 October 2023 and should state the grounds on which it is made. Alternatively, this may be sent in writing to Rights of Way Section, Room 3/A, Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN. It should be noted that any such representation or objection may be made available for viewing by interested parties at the council offices on request.

Dated: 21 September 2023

View a copy of the proposed modified order

Documents Received in Response to Proposed Modified Order

Objection to Interim Decision (19.10.23)

Registrar's Letter - 5 Nov 2019

ROW_3278538 Representation re Inspectors Proposed Modification Submitted on 26 September 2023 by Bill Dupont (notified party)

Supreme Court Order 2015

T354 DC response to order

Index of Appendices to Statement of Case as Supplemented by Objection

Appendix 16

Appendix 17

Appendix 18

Appendix 19

Appendix 20

Appendix 21A

Appendix 21B

Appendix 22

Appendix 23

Appendix 24

Appendix 25

Appendix 26

Appendix 27

Appendix 28

Appendix 29

Appendix 30

Appendix 31

Appendix 32

Appendix 33


Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981-Section 53


Dorset Council (A Byway Open to All Traffic, Beaminster at Crabb’s Barn Lane) Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2020

Notice is hereby given that the above referenced Order has been submitted to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for determination. Following an earlier exchange of written representations, the Inspector appointed to determine the Order issued a letter in which he proposed to make modifications to the Order as drafted. Following advertisement of those proposals objections/representations have been received.

The start date for the above Order is 12 March 2024.

Consideration of the Order will take the form of exchanges of statements of case and comments on statements of case which contain evidence in respect of the modified part of the Order and evidence relating to the application to upgrade Bridleway 17 Beaminster to a Byway Open to All Traffic. In that respect, please provide any additional evidence and submissions as to the claim to upgrade Bridleway 17 Beaminster to Byway Open to All Traffic status.

The effect of the Order, if confirmed without modifications will be to modify the definitive map and statement by adding a Byway Open to All Traffic and upgrading Bridleway 35 to a Byway Open to All Traffic in the parish of Beaminster as follows:

Byway Open to All Traffic, Beaminster:

(To be numbered Byway 97, Beaminster)

From its junction with the C67 Road at Whitesheet Hill, opposite Bridleways 10 and 17 at ST 49560299, east south east along a stone/earth surfaced track (known as Crabb’s Barn Lane) hedged on both sides, to its junction with Footpath 28 at ST 50060270 and continuing east south east along the track to its junction with Bridleway 84 and the current Bridleway 35 at ST 50150264. Width: 9.14 metres (30 feet) (as indicated in the Beaminster Inclosure Award 1809).

Bridleway 35, Beaminster to be upgraded to Byway Open to All Traffic:

(To be renumbered as part of Byway 97, Beaminster)

From its junction with Bridleway 84 at ST 50150264, south east along an earth surfaced track, hedged on the eastern side and fenced on the western side, to its junction with Bridleway 33 and the access road to Higher Langdon Farm at ST 50480216. Width: 5 metres.

Byway Open to All Traffic, Beaminster:

(To be numbered as part of Byway 97, Beaminster)

From its junction with the current route of Bridleway 35 (to be upgraded) and Bridleway 33 at ST 50480216, south east along a tarmac surfaced road, hedged on the eastern side and fenced on the western side, to its junction with Bridleway 34 at ST 50520206 and continuing south south east (via ST 50560196), hedged on both sides to its junction with the D11205 Road at the Corscombe parish boundary at ST 50680165. Width: 5 metres, except for 8 metres at ST 50560196.

The effect of the proposed modifications would be to modify the Order by providing for the following modifications:

  • delete the text after “From its junction with the C67 Road at Whitesheet Hill, opposite Bridleways 10 and 17 at point C (ST 49560299), east south east along a stone/earth surfaced track (known as Crabb’s Barn Lane) hedged on both sides, to its junction with Footpath 28 at point D (ST 50060270) and continuing east south east along the track to its junction with Bridleway 84 and the current Bridleway 35 at point E (ST 50150264). Width: 9.14 metres (30 feet) (as indicated in the Beaminster Inclosure Award 1809).” in Part I of the Order Schedule.
  • delete the text after “Add:” in Part II of the Order Schedule and insert:
  • “from: ST 49560299 To: ST 50150264
  • from its junction with the C67 Road at Whitesheet Hill, opposite Bridleways 10 and 17, east south east along a stone/earth surfaced track (known as Crabb’s Barn Lane) hedged on both sides, to its junction with Footpath 28 at ST 50060270 and continuing east south east to its junction with Bridleway 84 at ST 50150264.”
  • on the Order plan delete the section of the proposed byway open to all traffic between points E-F-G-H-I.
  • in the key to the Order plan delete the letters F, G, H and I beneath the text “Proposed Byway Open to All Traffic”

Any queries relating to this Order should be referred to Helen Sparks by email: quoting reference number ROW/3278538M1 on all correspondence. Alternatively, queries may be sent in writing to The Planning Inspectorate, Rights of Way Section, Room 3/A Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN. Telephone: 0303 444 5646.

Any person wishing to view the statements of case and other documents relating to this Order may do so via the website address The Council contact is Ms Vanessa Penny, Definitive Map Team Manager, Definitive Map Team, Economic Growth and Infrastructure, Dorset Council. Telephone: 01305 224719. If there are any queries, please E-mail if possible:

Timetable for sending in statements of case and comments

Within 8 weeks of the start date [by 7 May 2024]

The Order Making Authority, the applicant and everyone who has made an objection or representation following the proposed modifications or any other written representation or any other person wishing to make representations in writing must ensure their statement of case is received by the Secretary of State. As soon as possible after receiving it the Secretary of State will send a full copy to the Authority. Copies (excluding copies of any supporting documents - these will be available to view at the Authority’s offices) will also be sent to everyone who has made an objection or representation following the proposed modifications, the applicant and any other person who has previously written to us in respect of the Order.

Within 14 weeks of the start date [by 18 June 2024]
Everyone who has made an objection or representation following the proposed modifications, the Authority, the applicant (if applicable) and anyone who has written to us in respect of the Order must ensure their comments on any or every other statement of case is received by the Secretary of State. As soon as possible after the above date, the Secretary of State will send copies of the comments received to everyone else.

In fairness to the other parties everyone should keep to the timetable to ensure that statements of case and comments are received on time.

All parties must keep to the timetable set out above and ensure that statements of case are received by the Secretary of State on time. Late documents will be returned.

We cannot accept any inflammatory, discriminatory or abusive comments. Any documents containing such comments will be returned.


View PINS letter 07 March 2024


View PINS Letter 15 May 2024


Dorset Council - Statement of Case

Trail Riders Fellowship - Statement of Case

Index to Appendices

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Appendix 6

Appendix 7

Appendix 8

Appendix 9

Appendix 10

Appendix 11

Appendix 11A

Appendix 11B

Appendix 11C

Appendix 11D

Appendix 11E

Appendix 11F

Appendix 11G

Appendix 11H

Appendix 11I

Appendix 11J

Appendix 12

Appendix 13

Appendix 14

Appendix 15

Appendix 17

Appendix 18

Appendix 19

Appendix 21

Appendix 22

Appendix 23

Appendix 24

Appendix 25

Appendix 26

Appendix 27

Appendix 28

Appendix 29

Appendix 30

Appendix 31

Appendix 32

Appendix 33

Appendix 34

PINS Correspondence - June 2024

View PINS Letter 20 June 2024

Dorset County Council (Footpath 16, Melcombe Horsey and Footpath 26, Cheselbourne) Public Path Diversion Order 2014

The Order was sealed by Dorset County Council on 29 August 2014 and published on 25 September 2014. One objection is outstanding.

Following a decision of the former sovereign Council, Dorset County Council’s Roads and Rights of Way Committee on the 16 January 2014 and the Regulatory Committee on the 29 January 2015, the Council is in support of the confirmation of the Order.

Copies of the documents relating to this order, as submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, are available below:

documents relating to this order
Document Reference Description Documents
n/a PINS submission letter PINS submission letter
1 Signed/sealed order in duplicate Document Reference 1
3 Extract from the definitive map and statement Document Reference 3
4 Statement of grounds which explains why the Council is in support of the order, which includes the Council’s comments on the objections raised

Document Reference 4

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

5 Representations and objections to the order (including supporters), along with a covering list of their names Document Reference 5
6 A copy of the Application and supporting documents Document Reference 6
7 Copy of the notice publicising the order together with a copy of newspaper cutting(s) Document Reference 7
8 Certificate that, in accordance with the requirements of the Act, notices have been published, served and posted on site and at the local offices Document Reference 8
10 Copies of any consultation replies and the responses by the OMA Document Reference 10


PINS Documents Nov 2023

PINS letter 15 Nov 23 

Ramblers PINS document bundle

Ramblers Statement of Case

Ramblers SoC Appendix A

Ramblers SoC Appendix B

Ramblers SoC Appendix C

Ramblers SoC Appendix D

Ramblers SoC Appendix E

Statement D & G Sutton

PINS Documents Dec 2023

PINS letter 22 Dec 2023

Dorset Council letter 15 Dec 2023

Response to Ramblers SOC - Dec 2023

PINS Documents Feb 2024

PINS Decision Letter 13 Feb 2024

PINS Order Decision report

Memorandum for confirmed Orders - Highways Act 1980

Complaints Leaflet & High Court Challenge Leaflet

Confirmation of Order May 2024

View a copy of the Confirmed Order

View a copy of the Notice of Confirmation

Dorset County Council (Part of Footpath 48, Thorncombe) Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2014

The Order was made by Dorset County Council on 14th November 2014 and advertised on 4 December 2014.  Three objections were received. Dorset Council are supporting confirmation of the Order. 

Order Decision

The order was confirmed on 6th November 2023, copies of the documents are available below.

Notice of Confirmation of a Modification Order

Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981

Dorset Council

County of Dorset Definitive Map and Statement of Rights of Way

Dorset County Council (Part of Footpath 48, Thorncombe) 
Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2014

On 6 November 2023 an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs confirmed (without modification) the above-named order as unopposed. 

The effect of the order as confirmed will modify the definitive map and statement for the area by:

Deleting from them part of Footpath 48, Thorncombe - From the unaffected part of Footpath 48, south of Yawling’s Farm at ST 34920215, a grassed surface, generally south west across fields, then south south west across a pond and through outbuildings to its junction with Bridleway 52 at ST 34560183. (No recorded width).

Adding to them part of Footpath 48, Thorncombe - From the unaffected part of Footpath 48, south of Yawling’s Farm at ST 34920215, a grassed surface, south for a distance of 28 metres to the next field boundary at ST 34920212 then south west across the field to a stream at ST 34690189, across the stream and continue south west up a bank and through a small area of trees to ST 34880189. Continue south west across the field to the north western field boundary, east north east of New House Farm at ST 34630183, then south west and west through a garden passing to the north of New House Farm to its junction with Bridleway 52 at ST 34550181. Width: 1.5 metres.

A copy of the order as confirmed and the order map have been placed and may be seen free of charge at Reception, County Hall, Colliton Park, Dorchester during normal office hours. Copies are also available on our website.

The order came into effect on 6 November 2023. If any person aggrieved by the Order desires to question its validity or that of any provision contained in it on the grounds that it is not within the powers of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, or on the grounds that any requirement of the Act or of any regulation made under it has not been complied with in relation to the confirmation of the Order, you may within six weeks from 14 December 2023, make an application to the High Court.

Dated: 14 December 2023
Jonathan Mair, Monitoring Officer


Copy of Order Decision

Copy of Complaints Leaflet

Copy of High Court Leaflet, RoW

Copy of Memorandum for Confirmed Orders

Copy of Confirmed Order

Dorset County Council (Upgrading of Bridleway 9, Winfrith Newburgh and Part of Bridleway 5, Coombe Keynes (Claypits Lane) to Restricted Byways) Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2011

The Order was made by Dorset County Council on 3 June 2011 and advertised by Dorset County Council on 16 June 2011. One objection was received. The Council is supporting confirmation of the Order.

Copies of the documents relating to this order, as submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, are available below:

documents relating to this order
Document Reference Description Documents
n/a PINS submission letter PINS submission letter

Three copies of the order and associated maps

Document Reference 2

Extract from the definitive map

Document Reference 3

User Evidence Forms

Document Reference 4

Statement of Case on which it is considered the order should be confirmed

Document Reference 5

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Appendix 6


Representations and objections to the order (including supporters), along with a covering list of their names

Document Reference 6

Statement containing the OMA’s comments on the objections

Document Reference 7

Appendix A

Appendix B


Copy of the notice publicising the order together with a copy of newspaper cutting(s)

Document Reference 8

Certificate that, in accordance with the requirements of the Act, notices have been published, served and posted on site and at the local offices

Document Reference 9

Certificate that the necessary consultations have been carried out (other local authorities and statutory undertakers)

Document Reference 10

Copies of any consultation replies and the responses by the OMA

Document Reference 11

Letter from PINS explaining stance on Claypits Lane procedure Letter from PINS re stance 30 March 2023

Letter from PINS confirming written representation procedure

Notice of Order - Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
Dorset Council(Upgrading of Bridleway 9, Winfrith Newburgh & Part of Bridleway 5, Coombe Keynes (Claypits Lane) to Restricted Byways) DMMO 2011

Notice is hereby given that the above referenced Order has been submitted to the 
Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for determination. An 
Inspector will be appointed by the Secretary of State to determine the Order.

The start date for the above Order is 28 June 2023.

Consideration of the Order will take the form of exchanges of statements of case and 
comments on statements of case.

The effect of the Order, if confirmed without modifications, will be to modify the definitive map and statement for the area by upgrading:
Bridleway 9, Winfrith Newburgh (to become Restricted Byway 91 Winfrith Newburgh) From its junction with the unclassified road east of the village of Winfrith Newburgh at Claypits Farm at SY 81478480, east along Claypits Lane, an unsurfaced double hedged lane, to SY 81648481 and then east with a grassed surface along the northern side of the field boundary to SY 81748482 and across the open field to SY 82088482. Continue east along an unsurfaced double hedged lane, passing through Newburgh Dairy, to the parish boundary with Coombe Keynes at SY 82758477. The width of the restricted byway varies: SY 81478480 - 4 metres, widening to 4.3 metres at SY 81648481. Between SY 81648481 and SY 81748482 and SY 82088482 - 4 metres. SY 82088482 - 6 metres. Between SY 82088482 and SY 82758477 - 4.6 metres. SY 82758477 - 5 metres.
Part of Bridleway 5, Coombe Keynes (to become Restricted Byway 61 Coombe Keynes) From its junction with the Winfrith Newburgh Parish boundary at SY 82758477, east with a grassed surface, on the southern side of the northern field boundary to the western edge of Coombe Wood at SY 83158485. The width of the restricted byway varies: SY 82758477 - 5 metres, between SY 82758477 and SY 83158485 - 4 metres, SY 83158485 - 3.1 metres.

Any queries relating to this Order should be referred to Helen Sparks at The Planning Inspectorate, Rights of Way Section, Room 3/A Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN. Telephone: 0303 444 5646. Email: Please quote reference number ROW/3289783 on all correspondence.

Any person wishing to view the statements of case and other documents relating to this Order may do so by appointment at County Hall, Colliton Park, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1XJ or can be viewed on the Council’s website. The relevant officer for this matter if there are any queries is Vanessa Penny, Definitive Map Manager Telephone Number: (01305) 224719.

View the notice of order

Statement of Case

View the objector's statement of case

View the OMA's comments on the statement of case


PINS Interim Order Decision

PINS Interim Order decision

PINS Interim Order decision letter

PINS Modifications Leaflet

PINS Documents - March 2024

PINS Letter - 12 March 2024

View the Order and Order Plan

PINS Notice of Making - 28 March 2024

View Modifications to the Order

PINS Documents - May 2024

PINS Letter - 24 May 2024

Council response to Order - 16 April 2024

British Horse Society representation - 16 April 2024

Objection from H.Walsh - 18 April 2024

Letter from PINS - 24 May 2024


Dorset Council (A Byway Open to All Traffic, Batcombe and Leigh at Bailey Drove) Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2021

The Order was made by Dorset Council on 12 March 2021 and advertised on 1 April 2021. Two objections were received.  The Council requests that an Inspector considers the Order for confirmation.  The Council are supporting confirmation of the Order.

Copies of the documents relating to this order, as submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, are available below:

documents relating to this order

Document Reference

Description Documents
n/a PINS submission letter PINS submission letter
2 Three copies of the order and associated maps Document Reference 2
3 Extract from the definitive map Document Reference 3
4 Superceded Statement of Case on which it is considered the order should be confirmed (Superceded July 2023) Document Reference 4
4 Amended Statement of Case on which it is considered the order should be confirmed (Amended July 2023) Document Reference 4 Amended
5 Representations and objections to the order (including supporters), along with a covering list of their names Document Reference 5
6 Statement containing the OMA’s comments on the objections Document Reference 6
7 Copy of the notice publicising the order together with a copy of newspaper cutting(s) Document Reference 7
8 Certificate that, in accordance with the requirements of the Act, notices have been published, served and posted on site and at the local offices Document Reference 8
9 Certificate that the necessary consultations have been carried out (other local authorities and statutory undertakers) Document Reference 9
10 Copies of any consultation replies and the responses by the OMA Document Reference 10
11 Name and address of every person notified under paragraph 3(2)(b)(i), (ii) and (iv) of Schedule 15 to the 1981 Act n/a
12 Location map to enable the Inspector to locate the site Document Reference 12
13 Health and Safety Questionnaire Document Reference 13
14 Dispensation Letter Document Reference 14

Notice of Order - Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 – Section 53
Dorset Council (A Byway Open to All Traffic, Batcombe & Leigh at Bailey Drove) Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2021

Notice is hereby given that the above referenced Order has been submitted to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for determination. An Inspector will be appointed by the Secretary of State to determine the Order.

The start date for the above Order is 2 May 2023.

Consideration of the Order will take the form of exchanges of statements of case and comments on statements of case.

The effect of the Order, if confirmed without modifications, will be to modify the definitive map and statement by upgrading part of Footpath 11, Batcombe, adding a byway open to all traffic in Batcombe and upgrading Bridleway 59, Leigh to a Byway Open to All Traffic (one continuous route) at Bailey Drove as follows:

Part of Footpath 11, Batcombe (to be renumbered as part of Byway 25, Batcombe): From its junction with the County Road D20570 south south east of Scotley Farm at  ST 61250521 north east along the route known as Bailey Drove to its junction with the unaffected part of Footpath 11 at ST 61310529. Width: 13 metres at ST 61250521 narrowing to 6 metres at ST 61310529.

Byway open to All Traffic, Batcombe (to be numbered as part of Byway 25, Batcombe): From its junction with Footpath 11 at ST 61310529 north east to its junction with the current Bridleway 59, Leigh (proposed Byway 59, Leigh) at the Leigh parish boundary at ST 61410537. Width: 3 metres between ST 61310529 and ST 61410537.

Bridleway 59, Leigh (to be renumbered as Byway 59, Leigh): From its junction with the proposed Byway 25, Batcombe at the Batcombe parish boundary at ST 61410537, north east, then east north east crossing the River Wriggle at ST 61530548 and continuing east north east to its junction with Wriggle River Lane (D20555) at ST 61710551. Width: 12 metres between ST 61410537 and ST 61530548 widening to 16 metres between ST 61530548 and ST 61710551.

Any queries relating to this Order should be referred to Helen Sparks at The Planning  Inspectorate, Rights of Way Section, Room 3/A Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN. Telephone: 0303 444 5646. Email: Please quote reference number ROW/3308921 on all correspondence.

Any person wishing to view the statements of case and other documents relating to this Order may do so by appointment at County Hall, Colliton Park, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1XJ. The Information is also available online. The officer dealing with this matter is Vanessa Penny, Definitive Map Manager:

View the notice of order

Statement of Case documents

211B - Case Officer - Rebecca Buck - 04 Jul 2023

AD SoC AC Order

AD SoC Appeal Court [2013] EWCA Civ 553 20 May 2013

AD SoC DC to Supreme Court

AD SoC Hareput [2016] FWHC 2083 (Admin) (12 August 2016)

AD SoC Leigh and High Stoy PCs Statement of Case 21 June 2023

AD SoC Maroudas [2010] EWCA Civ 280 18 Mar 2010

AD SoC SC Order

AD SoC Supreme Court [2015] UKSC 18 18 Mar 2015

AD SoC Winchester [2008] EWCA Civ 431 28 April 2008

CB SoC 1. Statement of Case - DMH amends 26.06.23 FINAL

CB SoC 2. Index to Appendices - 27.6.23

CB SoC 3. Appendix 1

CB SoC 4. Appendix 2

CB SoC 5. Appendix 3

CB SoC 6. Appendix 4

CB SoC 7. Appendix 5

CB SoC 8. Appendix 6

CB SoC 9. Appendix 7

CB SoC 10. Appendix 8

CB SoC 11. Appendix 9

Dorset T338 (29a) GP obj to DMMO appx's 1 & 2 June 23

Dorset T338 (29b) GP obj to DMMO appx 3 June 23

Statement of Case submitted on 18 June 2023 by Mr Graham Plumbe (Objector)

Order Decision

View a copy of the Order Decision

Dorset Council (Footpath 51, Dorchester and Footpath 6, Winterborne Monkton) Public Path Diversion Order 2020

The Order was made by Dorset Council on 25 September 2020 and advertised on 19 November 2020.  Two objections were received. The Council is supporting confirmation of the Order.

Copies of the documents relating to this order, as submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, are available below:

documents relating to this order
Document Reference Description Documents
n/a PINS submission letter PINS submission letter
2 Two copies of the order and associated maps Document Reference 2
3 Statement of Case on which it is considered the order should be confirmed

Document Reference 3

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

4 Representations and objections to the order (including supporters), along with a covering list of their names Document Reference 4
5 Statement containing the OMA’s comments on the objections Document Reference 5
6 Copy of the notice publicising the order together with a copy of newspaper cutting(s). Document Reference 6
7 Certificate that, in accordance with the requirements of the Act, notices have been published, served and posted on site and at the local offices.

Document Reference 7

8 Certificate that the necessary consultations have been carried out (other local authorities and statutory undertakers). Document Reference 8
9 Copies of any replies to the pre-order consultation and the responses by the OMA. Document Reference 9
10 Name and address of every person notified under paragraph 3(2)(b)(i),(ii) and (iv) of Schedule 15 to the 1981 Act n/a
11 Location map to enable the Inspector to locate the site Document Reference 11
12 Written permission from the Landowner allowing the Inspector access to the land (where applicable)  Document Reference 12
13 Health and Safety Questionnaire Document Reference 13
14 Secretary of State’s letter of dispensation (WCA – see paragraph 3(4) of Schedule 15) (HA – see paragraph 1(3C) of schedule 6) (TCPA –see paragraph 1(6) of Schedule 14 (if applicable) Document Reference 14
15 Extract from the definitive map and statement Document Reference 15

A copy of the relevant part(s) of the Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP), or confirmation that there is no relevant provision. (Inspectors must have regard to any material provisions of a ROWIP prepared by the local highway authority but do not require the full version).

Document Reference 16

Letter from PINS

Copy of PINS letter 06 Feb 2024

Copy of Notice of Order

Documents from PINS - April 2024

Letter from PINS to the OMA

List of documents submitted to PINS

Scotia Gas Network location plan

Easement Deed - Land Registry

Statements of Case

Duchy of Cornwall Statement of Case

Gillian Matthews' Statement of Case (objector)

John Hoskin's Statement of Case

The Ramblers' Association Statement of Case

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix A

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix B

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix C

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix D

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix E

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix F

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix G

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix H

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix I

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix J

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix K

Council comments

Council comments on Statements of Case

PINS Documents

Letter from PINS - 14 May 2024


Dorset County Council (Footpath from East Lane (D20502) to D20503 Public Road East of Coombe Cottages, Bradford Abbas) Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2017

Reference: RLB/PLA001/00461

The Order was made by Dorset County Council on 14 August 2017 and published on 24 August 2017. The end of the objection period, as per the notice, was 6 October 2017. This was extended to 20 October 2017 by request. 20 objections are outstanding.

The Council is supporting the Order and consider that the Order can be best dealt with through the written representation procedure.  However, if the Inspector decides that an alternative procedure be followed then the Council confirm that it will still support the Order.

Copies of the documents relating to this order, as submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, are available below:

Document Reference Description Documents
n/a PINS Submission Letter PINS Submission Letter
2 Two copies of the order and associated maps Document Reference 2
3 Extract from the definitive map and statement Document Reference 3
4 Statement of case

Document Reference 4

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

5 Representations and objections to the order (including supporters), along with a covering list of their names Document Reference 5
6 Statement containing the Council’s comments on the objections Document Reference 6
7 Copy of the notice publicising the order together with a copy of newspaper cutting(s) Document Reference 7
8 Certificate that, in accordance with the requirements of the Act, notices have been published, served and posted on site and at the local offices Document Reference 8
9 Certificate that the necessary consultations have been carried out (other local authorities and statutory undertakers) Document Reference 9
10 Copies of any consultation replies and the responses by the OMA Document Reference 10
11 Name and address of every person notified under paragraph 3(2)(b)(i), (ii) and (iv) of Schedule 15 to the 1981 Act n/a
12 Location map to enable the Inspector to locate the site Document Reference 12
13 Landowners Written Permission n/a
14 Health and Safety Questionnaire  Document Reference 14


PINS Documents - June 2024

PINS Letter 04 June 2024 re Public Inquiry

Dorset County Council (Footpath at Rampisham) Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2002

Reference:  RLB/PLA001/00862 

The Order was made by Dorset County Council on 10 December 2002 and advertised on 17 January 2003. Two objections were received. The Council is supporting non-confirmation of the Order.

Copies of the documents relating to this order, as submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, are available below:

Documents relating to this Order

Document Reference



N/A PINS submission letter PINS Submission letter
2 Copy of the Order and associated map Document Reference 2
3 Extract from the Definitive Map and Statement 1989 Document Reference 3
4 Statement of Case Document Reference 4
5 Representations and objections to the order (including supporters), along with a covering list of their names Document Reference 5
6 Statement containing the Council’s comments on the objections Document Reference 6
7 Copy of the notice publicising the order together with a copy of newspaper cutting(s) Document Reference 7
8 Certificate that, in accordance with the requirements of the Act, notices have been published, served and posted on site and at the local offices Document Reference 8
9 Certificate that the necessary consultations have been carried out (other local authorities and statutory undertakers) Document Reference 9
10 Copies of any consultation replies and the responses by the OMA Document Reference 10
11 Name and address of every person notified under paragraph 3(2)(b)(i), (ii) and (iv) of Schedule 15 to the 1981 Act Document Reference 11
12 Location map to enable the Inspector to locate the site Document Reference 12
13 Landowners Written Permission N/A
14 Health and Safety Questionnaire  Document Reference 14
15 Appendix 1 Document Reference: Appendix 1
16 Appendix 2 Document Reference: Appendix 2
17 Appendix 3 Document Reference: Appendix 3
18 Appendix 4 Document Reference: Appendix 4
19 Appendix 5 Document Reference: Appendix 5
20 HMLR 01 Deed
21 HMLR 02 Lease


PINS Documents June 2024

PINS Letter - 27 June 2024