Your Personal Adviser will support you to become independent. They can help you to: 

  • open a bank account 
  • get your National Insurance number if you don't have one already 
  • find information about how to access your Junior ISA  if you have one. This is a fund of money set aside by the government The Share Foundation manages ISAs for all children in care on behalf of the DfE.
  • find exceptional financial support if you have an emergency 
  • find out about relevant money management courses 
  • help you contact Citizens Advice for advice and support with your money, your family your daily life and your rights if needed 
  • make sure you have appropriate identification documents (ID) 
  • apply for PIP (Personal Independence Payments) if you have a disability or health condition that means you are eligible 
  • apply for bursaries if you're in further or higher education 
  • access rent and deposit schemes to secure your own home 
  • buy essential things if you move into your own home from your setting up home grant 
  • stay in touch with people who are important to you by helping with transport costs 
  • access financial support if you're a young person seeking asylum 
  • where appropriate, continue to support contact with the Independent Visitor  you had while you were in care 
  • maintain or regain contact with people special to you or who cared for you in the past. This might be former foster carers or social workers 
  • maintain or regain contact with members of your family 

Find out more about managing your money.

Duty Personal Adviser - care leavers

Name: Duty Personal Advisor
Tel: 01305 22589
Full contact details

Driving lessons

The children in care teams offer matched funding for driving lessons when you are 17. We know that you may not be ready at this time to take up this offer.   
If you are now ready to learn to drive, we may consider match funding the costs of up to 6 sessions.   
We would need to be assured that you: 

  • are physically and mentally well to drive 
  • have settled or permanent status in the UK 
  • have passed your driving theory test 
  • have the funds to match the cost of at least 6 lessons 

Preparation for adult life checklist 

We have designed a checklist which can help you prepare to live more independently. It is a PDF document to be printed and filled out, if you require any accessible format please contact us: