Weather disruption
Winter weather is causing disruption to services in some parts of the county. Find out what services may be affected in your area.
Find information to help you manage your money, including:
The Mix provides advice and information to make sure you're in charge of your money and manage it well.
The Money Advice Service provides free and independent information about dealing with money, whether you're leaving school, college or university and need to make important financial decisions.
You can also find information through Citizens Advice about young people and money and consumer rights.
You may be able to claim certain benefits or tax credits (government payments) if you are:
Find more information on GOV.UK benefits calculators.
If you're disabled you can find information and advice on the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) which is for people who find it hard to work because of a disability or health condition. You may be entitled to claim other health benefits because of a disability or health condition.
Courses and tuition are free if you are:
Further education establishments can advise you on financial support. Check for extra costs such as equipment and books.
For higher education such as university there will be higher costs involved as universities charge tuition fees. Find out more about student finance at these sites:
We provide a wide range of housing services, such as advice to prevent homelessness, how to apply for housing and tenant advice.
If you're a young parent (under 20 years old) and want to carry on in education to gain a qualification, Care to Learn could help pay for your childcare and travel costs while you're learning or training.
Find out what's available for childcare funding while you study.
See childcare funding in Dorset which gives advice on Tax-Free Childcare, free childcare for 2 to 4 year olds and information on childcare fees.
If you're aged between 13 and 16 and want to start your first job, you can find employment advice and help finding a job once you've left education on our education and work pages.
See the travel and discounts pages for information for young people and students, the Dorset Max Card and general discount advice.