Alderholt has prepared a draft neighbourhood plan. Before the plan can be adopted, it must undergo an independent examination and a referendum. 

The submitted neighbourhood plan is: 

It is supported by the following documents:

The parish council also provided the following evidence base documents: 

All representations received during the Regulation 16 consultation have been compiled into the following report:

A few of the representations included large and often technical appendices which could not be easily added into the main consultation report. The following files provide the additional information which was submitted.

Plan examination

In June 2024, the above documents and representations were sent to an Independent Examiner, Andrew Mead BSc (Hons) MRTPI MIQ. The Examiner considers whether the plan meets certain basic conditions, satisfies legal requirements, and will identify an appropriate area for a referendum.

It is unlikely that the examination will involve a hearing, but this will be determined by the examiner. Updates regarding the examination process will be published on this page. The examiner’s report will be published on this page at the end of the process.