Supplementary planning documents (SPD's) give more information to certain aspects of Local Plans, they do not have the same status.
All of Dorset
Biodiversity net gain
In November 2023 the delivery of minimum 10% biodiversity net gain (BNG) will become a mandatory requirement under the Environment Act for many planning applications. Dorset Council has produced a Biodiversity Net Gain Guidance Note for Applicants and Agents which summarises the background to biodiversity net gain and how it should be delivered. The document will be updated regularly as further government guidance on BNG is produced between now and November.
Nutrient neutrality
On 16 March 2022, Natural England notified Dorset Council of their updated advice on nutrient neutrality for development proposals within the catchments of internationally protected habitats sites. More information is available on our Nutrient Neutrality page, and in the relevant adopted Supplementary Planning Documents in the following section.
Adopted SPD's
- Dorset Heathlands Planning Framework 2020-2025 Supplementary Planning Document
- Dorset Heathlands Interim Air Quality Strategy
- Web table Recently Adopted Supplementary Planning Document
- Interim Strategy for Recreational Pressure at Chesil and the Fleet
- Planning for climate change documents - In December 2023 we published 3 documents to guide the consideration of climate change in planning applications. The documents comprise an interim guidance and position statement on climate change, a sustainability checklist for applicants to complete for certain applications, and a guidance document for listed buildings and energy efficiency.
- Developer Contributions for NHS Infrastructure (for consideration with applications validated from 3 November 2020)
- Waste Storage, Collection, and Management - Guidance notes for residential developments
Purbeck area
Adopted SPD's
- Swanage Green Infrastructure Strategy SPD
- Swanage GI strategy - Appendix 1a - GI audit and analysis
- Swanage GI strategy - Appendix 1b - GI audit and analysis
- Swanage GI strategy - Appendix 2 - GI design guidance for developers
- Swanage GI strategy - Appendix 3 - Plants to attract birds, butterflies and bees
- Affordable Housing SPD
- Development Brief for Huntick Road, Lytchett Matravers
- District Design Guide SPD
- Adoption Statement (District Design Guide SPD)
- Managing and using traditional building materials in Purbeck
- Managing and using traditional building details in Purbeck
- Supporting technical guidance - Bats and Birds
- Poole Harbour Recreation 2019-2024 Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
- Housing Strategy 2012- 2027
- Rural Exception Site Checklist
- Townscape Character Appraisals
- Landscape Character Assessment (Non AONB)
- Dorset Landscape Change Strategy Report Jan 2010 includes pilot methodology
- Landscape Sensitivity to Wind and Solar Energy Development in Purbeck
- Purbeck Transport Strategy
- Development Contributions toward Transport in Purbeck
- Economic Development Strategy adopted August 2013
East Dorset
Adopted SPD's
- A householders planning guide for the installation of satellite television dishes
- Areas of Great Landscape Value
- Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Cranborne Chase Landscape assessment
- Cob walls in East Dorset
- Conservation and design guidance for East Dorset
- Countryside design summary - Part 1
- Countryside design summary - Part 2
- Countryside design summary - Part 3
- Cranborne Chase Landscape Character Zones
- East Dorset Flood Risk Supplementary Planning Guidance
- East Dorset landscape character assessment
- Flood risk groundwater and sustainable drainage
- Hampshire avon developers advice note
- Historic buildings in East Dorset
- Landscape design guide
- Listed building in East Dorset leaflet
- Nature conservation and planning in East Dorset
- Nature conservation guidance for developers
- Protected landscapes in East Dorset
- River Avon advice note for developers
- South east Dorset transport contributions scheme
- Special character areas
- Statement of consultation for flood risk supplementary planning guidance
- Conservation area appraisals East Dorset
- Nature conservation
- Historic buildings
- Conservation and design guidance
- Conservation area appraisals
- Cranborne Chase Landscape Appraisal
North Dorset
Adopted SPD's
West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland
Adopted SPD's
- Planning Obligations SPD (2010)
- Barton Farm Development Brief (2007) SPD
- Poundbury Development Brief (2006)
- Weymouth Town Centre Masterplan (2015)
- Design & Sustainable Development Planning Guidelines (2009)
- Weymouth Avenue Development Brief (2004)
- Vision for West Bay Regeneration Framework (2003)
- Charles Street Planning Brief (1999, updated 2006)
- Bridport South West Quadrant Regeneration Framework (2002)
- Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas (2002)
- Portland Beach Huts (2006)
- Urban Design (2002)
- Conservation Area Appraisals
- Landscape Character Assessment February 2009
- Conservation Area Appraisals
- Landscape Character Assessment
Village design statements:
- Bothenhampton: includes parish plan (2003)
- Bradford Peverell (2000)
- Charminster (2004)
- Loders (2000)
- Osmington (2003)
- Piddle Valley (2004)
- Walditch: includes parish plan (2004)
- West Stafford (2003)
We have produced a number of interim position statements on planning obligations guidelines, Weymouth Town Centre flood defence contributions policy and affordable housing policy HOUS1.