Register of historic parks and gardens of special historic interest in England.
In East Dorset there are five sites included in the 'Register of historic parks and gardens of special historic interest in England' compiled by English Heritage.
- Boveridge House School
- Cranborne Manor
- Crichel House
- Kingston Lacy
- St Giles House
Two of these, Cranborne Manor Gardens and the park associated with St Giles House, are considered to be of exceptional national interest. Development proposals directly or indirectly affecting Grade I and II* sites must be referred to English Heritage. The Dorset County Gardens Trust is required to be consulted about all developments affecting registered sites irrespective of grade. Further information regarding the register can be found on the English Heritage website.
Cranborne Chase and West Wiltshire Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)
Approximately 45% of East Dorset District lies within the boundary of the Cranborne Chase and West Wiltshire Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) designated by the Countryside Agency. Together with National Parks, AONBs are considered to be landscapes of national significance and value. The Design and Conservation Section has undertaken and published as supplementary planning guidance a landscape assessment of the part of the AONB within East Dorset to help in determining planning applications. The text of this supplementary planning guidance is available to download from this page.
East Dorset District Council is a member of the partnership that has prepared a management plan for the whole of Cranborne Chase and West Wiltshire Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Copies of the management plan and further details of the work of the partnership can be obtained from the AONB Team whose offices are located on Castle Street in Cranborne, Dorset. Contact the AONB Team on 01725 517417.
Areas of Great Landscape Value
The Planning Authority has also carried out an appraisal of the landscape outside the AONB and identified Areas of Great Landscape Value (AGLV), which are areas of unspoiled countryside, with a strong historical dimension, containing many traditional cottages and farm buildings, that form attractive, richly-varied human and natural landscapes. While these areas lack the national renown of the AONB or its wide extent, on a smaller scale, and within the local area, they are considered to be of sufficient value to warrant recognition and protection. They have therefore been designated as Areas of Great Landscape Value (AGLVs) in the East Dorset Local Plan and are protected by local plan policies.
The AGLV landscape appraisal has been published as supplementary planning guidance to assist in the preparation and promotion of their conservation, enhancement and management and to encourage developments that enhance their landscape quality and character. The text of this supplementary planning guidance is available to download from this page.
Local Plan or conservation matters - East Dorset
Email: 01202 795175
Full contact details