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An important part of the planning system is gathering evidence and factual information to help identify the issues and needs of the area.
Evidence can come from reports, strategies, specific pieces of research and from a wide range of sources including organisations that operate at a local level or organisations that operate on a wider level but have specialist knowledge or expertise. DorsetExplorer is a web-based mapping system that includes useful information on map based evidence such as designations and floodplains.
Information from a variety of sources including a number of existing reports in the evidence base and the following new evidence will be used to produce the Review of the Local Plan:
There are also new studies are being carried out where we are currently seeking an input:
West Dorset District Council and Weymouth & Portland Borough Council are reviewing their recently adopted Joint Local Plan. To help in this process the councils are carrying out a 'call for sites' to identify sites that may have potential for development over the next 15 years and beyond. If you are aware of any site(s) that may have development potential you can still let us know by completing and submitting our site submission form.
Local councils are required to set-up and maintain a register of brownfield sites. West Dorset District Council and Weymouth & Portland Borough Council have launched their Brownfield Registers. Brownfield land registers are intended to provide up-to-date and consistent information on brownfield sites that local authorities consider to be appropriate for residential led development.
Local councils are required to set-up and maintain a register of individuals and groups who are interested in building their own home. North Dorset, West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland Councils have launched their self-build and custom housebuilding register. The register is open to anyone interested in building a self-build home within the North Dorset, West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland areas.
The Green Infrastructure Network (GI network) is a network that links areas used for;
These can apply to areas in rural or urban environment.
The network can include; parks, open spaces, playing fields, woodlands, street trees, allotments, private gardens, streams, canals and other water bodies and features such as green roofs and walls.
The Preferred Options consultation is consulting on the proposed interactive GI network.
We produced a series of background papers to support the Issues and Options for the Local Plan Review. As work progresses on the production of our "preferred options" these background papers will be updated to explain how consultation comments and new evidence have been taken into account.