The original version of the Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan was made (adopted) on 22 June 2021. The plan has been reviewed and the Modified Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan was made (adopted) by Dorset Council on 3 October 2023. The modified plan replaces the original version of the plan.
The modified plan has now been subject to a Minor (Non-Material) Modifications Review. A report relating to this review, was considered by members of Dorset Council’s Cabinet on the 17 December 2024. Cabinet decided that the minor (non-material) modifications should be made to the Design Guidance and Codes Document which forms Appendix B to the plan. The updated Design Guidance and Codes Document, incorporating all the minor (non-material) modifications, is available via the link below. Please note that the date on the front of the document has not changed as the plan has not been ‘re-made’ but rather errors in the existing ‘made’ plan have been corrected.
The Modification document and updated Design Guidance and Codes document are available online and are available to view, on request, at the council's offices at County Hall, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1XJ during normal opening hours.
Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan Review
Making the Modified Plan
The Modified Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan 2011 - 2033 was made (adopted) by Dorset Council on 3 October 2023.
The Decision Statement and the 'made' Modified Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan 2011 - 2033 (including the Design Code) are available online and will be made available to view at the council's offices at County Hall, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1XJ during normal opening hours.
On 1 August 2023 the examiner wrote to Dorset Council and Blandford Forum Town Council to issue his Examination Report.
An independent examiner, Mr David Hogger BA MSc MRTPI MCIHT, has been appointed to carry out the examination of the modified Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan. As required, by the neighbourhood planning regulations, Dorset Council has sent him documents relating to the modified plan including the consultation responses set out below and its Modifications Statement. The examiner wrote to Dorset Council and Blandford Forum Town Council on 21 June 2023 to clarify several initial procedural matters and ask a number of questions.
Blandford Forum Town Council and Dorset Council responded to the examiner’s questions on the 11 July 2023.
Representations received to the modified Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan
As the relevant local planning authority, Dorset Council is required to consult on the modified plan before the examination takes place. The consultation took place from Friday 14 April 2023 until the end of Friday 26 May 2023. The responses received during this period are below.
Document Reference | Response |
BLANR-01 | Coal Authority |
BLANR-02 | Cranborne Chase AONB |
BLANR-03 | Dorset Council |
BLANR-04 | Environment Agency |
BLANR-05 | Hallam Land Management |
BLANR-06 | Historic England |
BLANR-07 | National Highways |
BLANR-08 | Pimperne Parish Council |
BLANR-09 | Wates Developments |
Consultation on the Modified Plan
As the relevant local planning authority, Dorset Council is required to consult on the modified plan before the examination takes place. The consultation took place from Friday 14 April 2023 until the end of Friday 26 May 2023. This was an opportunity for individuals and organisations to comment on the modified neighbourhood plan. An independent examiner will be appointed to examine the plan and any comments received will be passed to him/her for consideration as part of the examination process.
The modified version of the Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan, the other submission documents and associated documents are available via the links below.
Submission documents
- Blandford + NP Modified Plan
- Blandford + NP Basic Conditions Statement
- Blandford + NP Consultation Statement
- Blandford + NP Modification Proposal Statement
- Blandford + NP Sustainability Appraisal Addendum
- Blandford + NP SEA/HRA Determination Statement
Associated documents (including supporting evidence)
- Blandford + Design Guidance and Codes (March 2023)
- Blandford Forum Non-designated Heritage Assets List (2022)
- Bryanston Non-Designated Heritage Assets List (February 2023)
Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan
The Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan 2011 - 2033 was made (adopted) by Dorset Council on 22 June 2021.
Following a majority 'yes' vote in the referendum, the decision was taken to make the Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan 2011 2033 part of the development plan for the Blandford + neighbourhood area.
The decision statement and the 'made' Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan 2011 - 2033 are available online and will be available to view at the council's offices (address below) during normal opening hours when the offices reopen to the public.
Dorset Council
County Hall
Referendum Result
The Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan referendum was held on Thursday 6 May 2021 and asked residents: "Do you want Dorset Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Blandford + to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?"
A majority voted in favour of the neighbourhood plan (YES votes: 2054; NO votes: 394). The turnout was 25.9%. More details regarding the result, plus details of other elections and referendums that took place that day, can be found here.
Dorset Council agreed with the findings of the Examiner’s Report and has agreed that a referendum should take place on Thursday 6 May 2021. Documents relating to the referendum are listed below:
- A Summary of Representations submitted to the examiner
- The Examiner's Report
- The Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan 2011 - 2033 (referendum version)*
- The Decision Statement which includes a statement by the local planning authority that the plan as proposed meets the basic conditions
- The Information Statement which includes general information as to town and country planning including neighbourhood planning and the referendum
* An errata note has been published regarding the referendum version of the plan
Decision to proceed to referendum
Following the successful examination of the Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan and the consultation on a draft Decision Statement, Dorset Council has agreed that the plan, as amended, can proceed to referendum. The council released a Decision Statement on 22 March 2021 to this effect.
Consultation on Draft Decision Statement
The council has consulted on a draft Decision Statement relating to whether the plan should proceed to referendum. The consultation was from Friday 8 May 2020 to Friday 26 June 2020. The responses received to the consultation are available to view below. The council has fully considered all of the responses received, including the legal advice submitted by Pimperne Parish Council, prior to issuing its final Decision Statement.
Responses received to the Draft Decision Statement
Document Reference | Response |
BLAN01 (1) | Barry Watson |
BLAN03 (1) | Cranborne Chase AONB |
BLAN04 (1) | Davis Family |
BLAN07 (1) | Dorset CPRE |
BLAN08 (1) | Hallam Land Management |
BLAN13 (1) | Pimperne Parish Council |
BLAN16 (1) | Wyatt Homes |
BLAN17 | Coats Family |
BLAN18 | David Lewis |
BLAN19 | James Harrison |
BLAN20 | Nick Armitage |
BLAN21 | Sally Lester-Shaw |
Examiner's report
Mr Terry Kemmann-Lane JP DipTP FRTPI MCMI issued his report on the submitted Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan on 28 January 2020. He concludes that provided the recommended modification is made, the plan would meet the basic conditions. He, therefore, recommends that the plan, as modified, should proceed to referendum. Dorset Council’s Portfolio Holder for Planning, Cllr David Walsh, will decide, in due course, whether the plan should proceed to referendum. As detailed above a consultation is taking place in respect of a draft Decision Statement.
An independent examiner (Mr Terry Kemmann-LaneJP DipTP FRTP) is currently examining the plan. The examiner issued a question to Dorset Council and the Steering Group, Blandford Forum Town Council as part of the examination. Dorset Council and Blandford Forum Town Council sent a response to the examiner on 18 June 2019.
A non-statutory exploratory meeting relating to the plan took place on Thursday 22 August 2019 at 10am. The meeting took place at Blandford Parish Centre, The Plocks, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 7DW. Full details are set out in the Notice of Exploratory Meeting, the Agenda of the Exploratory Meeting and the Meeting Notes of the Exploratory Meeting.
Dave Chetwyn of Urban Vision Enterprise CIC (A Locality appointed Planner supporting the neighbourhood plan) has sent a letter to the examiner following the Exploratory Meeting.
A hearing relating to the plan took place on the 12 November 2019. The hearing started at 9am and took place at The Badger's Sett, Sealy Suite, The Crown Hotel, West Street, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 7AJ. Further important information regarding the hearing was set out in the Notice of Public Hearing. The agenda for the hearing was published. It included an itinerary for the site visit and other important information. In response to requests from the Examiner, set out in his agenda, Dorset Council and Blandford Forum Town Council (the Qualifying Body) produced statements in advance of the hearing.
Habitats Regulation Assessment
Dorset Council, the competent authority responsible for undertaking a Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) of the neighbourhood plan, has produced a Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA). This is largely based on the information provided in the HRA Report, produced by AECOM, which was submitted with the plan. The HRA concludes that the neighbourhood plan will not adversely affect the integrity of a European site.
Consultation on the Submitted Plan
As the local planning authority, the District Council was required to consult on the plan proposals before the examination takes place. People were given from Friday 15 February to Friday 29 March 2019 to make comments on the plan and its associated documents. An independent examiner (Mr Terry Kemmann-Lane JP DipTP FRTPI) has been appointed and the representations received will be passed on to him for consideration as part of the examination process.
Representations received to the submission draft Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan
Document Reference | Response |
BLAN01 | Barry Watson |
BLAN02 | Clemdell Limited |
BLAN03 | Cranborne Chase AONB |
BLAN04 | Davis Family |
BLAN05 | Dorset AONB |
BLAN06 | Dorset County Council |
BLAN07 | Dorset CPRE |
BLAN08 | Hallam Land Management |
BLAN09 | Historic England |
BLAN10 | James Atkins |
BLAN11 | Natural England |
BLAN12 | North Dorset District Council |
BLAN13 | Pimperne Parish Council |
BLAN14 | Simon Sherbrooke |
BLAN15 | Wates Developments Limited |
BLAN16 | Wyatt Homes |
Submission documents
- Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan 2011 - 2033 (Submission Plan - January 2019)
- Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan 2011 - 2033 Basic Conditions Statement (January 2019)
- Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan 2011 - 2033 Consultation Statement (January 2019)
- Map of the Designated Neighbourhood Area (dated 17 February 2014)
- Blandford + Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Determination Statement (issued July 2018)
- Sustainability Appraisal for the Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan Version 2 (January 2019)
- Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan Habitats Regulations Assessment (January 2019)
Associated documents (including Evidence Base documents)
Supporting Documents to Submitted Plan
- Site Selection Background Paper (Updated January 2019)
- Urban Vision Enterprise CIC Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan – Site Allocations in the AONBs (September 2018)
- Preliminary Development Options Report & Maps (July 2018)
- Housing Provision relating to the Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan 2011-2033
- Sustainability Appraisal for the Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan 2 - Scoping Report (June 2018)
- Blandford Town Pupil Place Planning Statement (October 2018 (Updated January 2019))
- Blandford Town Pupil Place Planning Statement (October 2018 (Updated June 2019))
- Blandford + Retail and the Town Centre Report (September 2018)
- Blandford + Commercial Situation Report (October 2018)
- Blandford + Health Background Note (2019)
- Blandford + Local Green Spaces Working Group Report (2015)
- Blandford + Local Green Spaces Study 2019
- Blandford + Green Infrastructure Network Report 2016
- Blandford Forum Town Centre Conservation Area Appraisal (Draft Version, 2018)
- Blandford + Design in Blandford Forum Update Report (September 2018)
- Blandford Crown Meadows Background Report (October 2018)
Blandford + Design in Blandford St Mary Update Report (2018)
- Blandford + Design in Bryanston Update Report (2018)
- Blandford + Report on the Changes to Policy 14 - Local Tourism (2018)
- Blandford + Community Facilities Working Group Report (2015)
- Blandford + Community Facilities Update Report (September 2018)
- Letters from Simon Hoare MP and Tobias Ellwood MP regarding Blandford Camp (January
Documents Relating to Version 1 of the Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan
- Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan 2015 – 2031 (Version 1, Withdrawn) (July 2016)
- Examiner’s Report of the Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan 2015 – 2031 (July 2017)
National and Local Planning documents
- The National Planning Policy Framework (2012)
- The National Planning Policy Framework (2018)
- North Dorset District-Wide Local Plan (January 2003)
- North Dorset Local Plan Part 1 (January 2016)
- North Dorset Infrastructure Delivery Plan (November 2014)
- North Dorset Local Plan Review Issues and Options Consultation (November 2017)
- North Dorset Local Plan Review Issues and Options Sustainability Appraisal (November 2017)
- Dorset Waste Plan (including Inspector’s Report dated 31 January 2019)
- Dorset AONB Management Plan 2014-2019
- North Dorset Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2010
- North Dorset District Council - Landscape Impact Assessment of Potential Housing Sites at Blandford and Shaftesbury (2010)
- Responses to North Dorset District Council Call for Sites (2016)
- The Brownfield Register for North Dorset (2018)
- Eastern Dorset 2015 Strategic Housing Market Assessment (G L Hearn, 2015)
- Western Dorset Economic Growth Strategy - An Economic Growth Strategy for: North Dorset, West Dorset and Weymouth & Portland 2017 to 2033 (May 2017)
- Joint Retail Assessment - Volume 1: Capacity Analysis (March 2008)
- Joint Retail Assessment - Volume 2: North Dorset (March 2008)
- Joint Retail and Commercial Leisure Study - 2018 (March 2018)
- Joint Retail and Commercial Leisure Study Appendices 1-17 (March 2018)
- Joint Retail and Commercial Leisure Study Appendices 18 (March 2018)
- Joint Retail and Commercial Leisure Study Appendices 19-20 (March 2018)
- Joint Retail and Commercial Leisure Study Appendices 21-24 (March 2018)
- Joint Retail and Commercial Leisure Study Appendices 25-26 (March 2018)
- The Grimsey Review 2 - 'It's time to reshape our town centres'
- North and North East Dorset Transport Study - Working Towards a Transport Strategy (March 2010)
- Dorset Historic Towns Project Report on Blandford Forum (February 2011)