Errata regarding the referendum version of the Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan 2011 - 2033

Errors have been identified in the referendum version of the Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan 2011 – 2033 relating to the Green Infrastructure Policies Map (page 66) and the Local Green Space Inset Maps on pages 70 and 72. The Green Infrastructure Policies Map and the Inset Map on page 70 show the Badbury Heights Open Spaces (Policy B10(4)) that have been identified as Local Green Space. Both maps incorrectly identify an area of land to the west of Bracewell Close as Local Green Space.

In addition to the above the Green Infrastructure Policies Map and the Inset Map on page 72 both show the part of The Trailway (Policy B10 (6)) that has been identified as a Local Green Space. Both maps incorrectly identify land within Pimperne Parish, outside of the Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan Area, as Local Green Space.

The updated versions of the maps below address these errors.