Our local offer for Dorset care leavers
We know that becoming an adult is a big step with many new decisions, and we want you to know that we still care about you and that you have our support.
We want to make sure that Dorset care leavers feel safe and supported and know where to go for advice and help.
We want to make sure you:
- have somewhere to live
- grow up healthy
- stay safe
- do well in education and work
Our Care Leaver Local Offer sets out the support available to you as you leave care. It provides you with information about your rights. It says what you are entitled to. We have shaped our local offer using feedback from Dorset’s care leavers on what they need from our services.
The support you get is different depending upon when you came into care and how long you have been, or were in, care.
If you are not sure which care leaver you are, this easy to use tool from Coram Voice can help.
Download our app for local events
Find events near you on our Graduating Care South West (GCSW) app, you can see what's happening for care leavers across Dorset and the South West.Download the app today. You can also use the QR code or search for 'GCSW' on your app store. It is free to use and once downloaded you can access our full offer without Wi-Fi.
Meet the care leavers team
Meet your care leavers team and see who will be supporting you.Contact us
Contact the care leavers team.You can also email the leaving care team direct to share a comment or compliment about your PA at: pafeedback@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk