The Dorset Care Leavers Hub drop in is based on the ground floor of 10 Kirtleton Avenue in Weymouth, DT4 7PT. Get directions on Google maps.
The hub is a safe place for care leavers over the age of 18.

Opening hours

The Hub is open from midday to 2pm on week days to see a duty Personal Adviser.

We also hold fun activities from 5pm to 7pm on the second and fourth Thursday in the month.


Facilities include: 
  • a games room with a pool and air hockey table
  • a kitchen space with coffee machines, snacks and drinks
  • a washing machine
  • a sensory corner
  • free Wi-Fi 
  • a games console
Dorset care leavers hub cozy lounge
Dorset care leavers hub lounge
Dorset care leavers hub kitchen
Dorset care leavers hub pool table