Christchurch Borough Council and East Dorset District Council submitted their Revised Charging Schedules for examination to the Secretary of State on 29 January 2016. This page will be regularly updated as the examination progresses.

Please note

As a result of government issuing revised guidance on contributions for affordable housing and tariff style planning obligations, Christchurch and East Dorset Councils are withdrawing the Revised Draft Charging Schedules (2016) in accordance with Regulation 18 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations (2010, as amended) and Section 212(11) of the Planning Act 2008.

Please see the main Community Infrastructure Levy page for more details.

Mr Jameson Bridgwater DipTP MRTPI has been appointed by the Secretary of State as the Planning Inspector to undertake the examination of the Revised Draft Charging Schedules.

Contact details

Ms Nicky Kelly is the Programme Officer and is the main contact for the examination.

The Hearing Session

The hearing session took place on Tuesday 12 April 2016 at Christchurch Borough Council, Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Christchurch, BH23 1AZ.

Draft Hearing Programme

The Inspector has published his Draft Hearing Programme (added 30 March 2016) for the partial review hearing session.

Inspector's Briefing Notes

The Inspector's Briefing Notes (added 30 March 2016) are available and provide information about the Examination of the Revised Draft Charging Schedules. They are intended to assist with the efficient running of the Examination.

The Councils' Opening Statement

Christchurch and East Dorset Councils will provide an Opening Statement at the beginning of the hearing session.

Examination documents

The submission and other documents submitted to the Secretary of State are available in the tables below. They will be updated as the Examination progresses. Hard copies are also available to view at the East Dorset Council Offices and Christchurch Civic Offices:

Submission documents

Number Document Date Added to Examination Library
SD01 Revised Draft Charging Schedules for Christchurch and East Dorset January 2016 29 January 2016
SD02 Schedule of Amendments made to the Revised Draft Charging Schedules for Christchurch and East Dorset December 2015 29 January 2016

Statement of Consultation, incorporating the full response schedule on the Revised Draft Charging Schedules

January 2016 29 January 2016

Full set of Representations

January 2016 29 January 2016

Letter from Peter Brett Associates clarifying the status of the viability evidence base

7 April 2016 11 April 2016

Core documents

Infrastructure and evidence documents submitted.

Number Document Date Added to Examination Library
CD01 Revised Draft Charging Schedules, Appendix A Regulation 123 List December 2015 29 January 2016
CD02 Revised Draft Charging Schedules, Appendix B CIL Payments Instalment Policy December 2015 29 January 2016
CD03 Revised Draft Charging Schedules, Appendix C CIL Payments in Kind Policy December 2015 29 January 2016
CD04 Revised Draft Charging Schedules, Appendix D The funding gap and CIL target December 2015 29 January 2016

Revised Draft Charging Schedules, Appendix E Amounts raised through S106 Agreements

December 2015 29 January 2016

Christchurch and East Dorset Infrastructure Delivery Plan

December 2013 29 January 2016
CD07 Letter in support of Modifications arising from the Examination to the Draft Charging Schedules (Peter Brett Associates) 18 March 2015 29 January 2016

Community Infrastructure Levy Report Addendum: Viability Update on revised Affordable Housing Thresholds (Peter Brett Associates)

January 2015 29 January 2016

Community Infrastructure Levy Addendum: Viability Testing at 35% & 40% Affordable Housing, and C2 / C3 Uses (Peter Brett Associates)

December 2014 29 January 2016

Community Infrastructure Levy Statement of Modification: Strategic Sites (Peter Brett Associates)

November 2014 29 January 2016
CD11 Community Infrastructure Levy Viability Testing (Peter Brett Associates) June 2013 29 January 2016

Christchurch New Neighbourhoods Viability Report:

  • Headline Summary & Viability Models - Allotments Retained
  • Base (mid-range dph) Models for Release - Extracts at 25% - 40% affordable
  • North Christchurch Viability Commentary Final Update for release
January 2012 29 January 2016

East Dorset New Neighbourhoods Viability Report:

  • East Dorset New Neighbourhoods - Viability Overview Report
  • Appendix 1 - Summary of the key outputs
  • Appendix 2 - Site 1: West Parley, Land at East of New Road
  • Appendix 3 - Site 2: West Parley, Land West of Ridgeway
  • Appendix 4 - Site 3: Corfe Mullen, Violet Farm Close
  • Appendix 5 - Site 4: Wimborne North
  • Appendix 6 - Site 5: Wimborne Stone Lane
  • Appendix 7 - Site 6: Wimborne Cuthbury
  • Appendix 8 - Site 7: Wimborne East, Leigh Road
February 2012 29 January 2016
CD14 Christchurch and East Dorset Local Plan Part 1 - Core Strategy April 2014 29 January 2016
CD15 Christchurch and East Dorset Housing and Affordable Housing SPD April 2014 29 January 2016
CD16 The Dorset Heathlands Planning Framework 2012-2014 SPD September 2012 29 January 2016




Programme Officer, Christchurch and East Dorset Community Infrastructure Levy

Tel: 01202 795299
Full contact details