The Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) proposed an urban extension within an 'area of search' to the north of Christchurch and east of Burton, to the borough boundary at Roeshot Hill.
The RSS has now been revoked and Government guidance advises that future housing delivery should be determined through the Core Strategy process at a local level. Christchurch Council has supported the principle of this urban extension in order to address local housing need which cannot be met in the existing urban area alone.
Policy for the urban extension is being established through the Core Strategy informed by consultation master planning work undertaken for the council by Broadway Malyan.
Key stages for the Core Strategy are as follows:
'Options for Consideration' (October 2010 - January 2011)
Pre Submission (April - June 2012)
Schedule of Proposed Changes (November - December 2012)
Submission (March 2013)
Public Examination (Summer/Autumn 2013)
Adoption (December 2013)
Note - The master planning report contains some options which have not been taken forward in the Core Strategy.
Evidence gathering
The council has already carried out an ecological study of the area of search to provide broad indications of the potential ecological importance of the area involved.
The council appointed consultants (Broadway Malyan Ltd) to undertake master planning work on the urban extension. This work is in two stages:
- North Christchurch Urban Extension - 01 Masterplan Context Report September 2010 - providing a range of options to inform the 'options for consideration' consultation on the core strategy
- North Christchurch Masterplan Report - Stage 2 - a detailed Master Plan for the site to support full core strategy policy
The Masterplan is supported by a separate broad viability assessment undertaken by Whiteleaf Consulting. Copies of the Masterplan and Viability reports can be downloaded from this website.
Headline Summary & Viability Models - Allotments Retained Jan 1
Base (mid-range dph) Models for Release - Extracts at 25% - 40% affordable 221211
North Christchurch Viability Commentary Final Update for release 170112 2
The council has also formed a key stakeholder advisory group which has informed the consultants' work and to provide feedback and input to development of the urban extension and Core Strategy policy.
How you can get involved
It is easy to keep up to date with what is going on in terms of the councils' Local Plan. Both councils maintain a contact database which allows us to inform residents and stakeholders of consultations on any document which might interest them. To ensure we have your details, and that you don't miss out on events and consultations on the Local Plan, simply contact the Christchurch Planning Policy Manager: