Physical and medical needs service (PMNS) 

Our work is about making sure children and young people with physical and medical needs can: 

  • get the right support in their school or setting 
  • enjoy the same opportunities as their peers 

Physical needs affect how the body works. They might affect a person’s ability to move or their energy levels.   

Medical needs are wide-ranging, but can include conditions such as:  

  • epilepsy 
  • diabetes 
  • asthma 
  • mental health needs, such as anxiety 

How we work

We provide advice, guidance or training to: 

  • parents and carers 
  • schools and other settings 
  • other professionals, including healthcare practitioners 

This might be by phone, email, or in person. 

We can also attend planning meetings to discuss a child or young person’s transfer to a school or setting. 

What we can provide

We can offer advice, guidance or training in:

  • managing medical conditions in a school or setting 
  • storing, administering and recording of medicines 
  • writing Individual Healthcare Plans (IHPs) 
  • using medical risk assessments 
  • providing reasonable adjustments  
  • safer moving and handling techniques  
  • moving and handling risk assessments and care plans

A good school day

We spoke to Dorset children and young people with physical and medical needs. They told us what makes a good school day for them. They said:

•    being with friends
•    being able to get around the school easily
•    going on trips, being outside, attending forest school and playtime 
•    support from staff and teachers
•    having good health
•    attending clubs and activities 

They also told us that it’s good when:

•    other children and young people ignore their disability
•    they can be as independent as possible
•    they don’t get taken out of enjoyable lessons for physiotherapy or appointments

They told us the following things help make a bad day at school better: 

•    being able to talk to a trusted adult
•    having friends around you
•    having somewhere quiet to go (and rest if needed)

We have shared this information with our schools as ‘top tips’ from children and young people.

Making physical education (PE) accessible for children with physical difficulties

Young boy in a walking frame playing cricket with a post in front of him from which to hit the ball

All children and young people should access high quality PE. This includes those with physical difficulties. 
Two teenage girls playing wheelchair basketball

How to make PE accessible for children and young people with physical difficulties.
Young girl in a powered wheelchair laughing and young boy using a walking frame throwing a tennis ball to her

It can be helpful to see accessible PE in action.  
Boy wearing glasses playing basketball with support from an adult

How schools can help to make sports day accessible for all pupils.

More support for physical and medical needs 

Find out how schools should support pupils with medical conditions.

Senior Advisor Physical and Medical Needs Service

Name: Kelly Lambert
Tel: 01305 224063
Full contact details

Moving and Handling Advisor, Physical and Medical Needs Service

Name: Lyndsey Lanham
Tel: 01305224650
Full contact details