It can be helpful to see accessible PE in action.  

Inclusive Sports Programme  

The Inclusive Sport Programme from Youth Sport Trust has videos showing children and young people taking part in accessible PE and activities. These are based on international disability and Para Sport events. There are links to activities such as: 

  • athletics 
  • football 
  • gymnastics 
  • bowling 
  • basketball 
  • polybat 
  • bench hockey 
  • new age kurling 

Access the Inclusive Sport Programme resources.

National Disability Sports Organisations (NDSOs) 

Advice and support can is also available from the National Disability Sports Organisations (NDSOs). The NDSOs are: 

  • British Blind Sport 
  • Cerebral Palsy Sport 
  • Dwarf Sports Association UK 
  • LimbPower 
  • Special Olympics Great Britain 
  • UK Deaf Sport 
  • WheelPower