A guide to who's who and what's what

What is foster care?

It's a way of giving you a safe home while your own family is unable to look after you. 

You might stay with your foster carer:

  • short term; for a few weeks or months
  • long term; until you're grown up 
  • for short breaks; if your parents need a break for an evening or weekend

Find out more about


Finding out what you can and can't do.
LAC Review

What is a CIC and what's it all about?

Find out what your QARO (also known as Independent Reviewing Officer) does and how they can help you.
Personal Education Plan

How we support your education and achievement.

Make your voice heard


Find out how you can sort out problems.
Dorset promise

Our promise to you.

A letter to you from young care leavers

Hi there

We understand that right now you might be feeling scared, confused and worried. We're here to tell you that it's going to be ok.

We're a group of young people that either have been or are currently in foster care - so we've all been in your shoes and felt the way you're feeling right now. 

This information has been put together by us to help you. You'll find postcards with useful info, contact numbers and video links. These are designed to answer some of the questions you have and are there for you to read when you're ready. 

Remember, you're not alone.

There are lots of people who want to support you, so don't be afraid to ask for help!

Care Leaver Forum

Sophia, Hanna, Kieron C, Charlotte, Charlie, Noah, Mel, Keiron W, Adie and Kelly

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Contact us for more info

Dorset Council Youth Voice

Email: youthvoice@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Full contact details