These happen every 3 to 6 months usually and the purpose is to review your care plan.

Your Quality Assurance Reviewing Officer (QARO) will find out what you think about your care plan and what you want to happen (or not) and will also use their knowledge and experience to form a view of whether your care plan is right for you. 

Find out more about the role of a QARO. They will find out how you want your reviews to happen, who you want there (or not!) and make it easy for you to take part in your review. It’s your review, not the adults. You can say what you want discussed or not. It’s really important to tell your QARO this before the meeting.

Your QARO will write a letter to you after the meeting, so that you have a record of what was discussed and agreed.

An advocate can come to your review as well if you want, who can help you get your voice heard.

Key points about Child in Care reviews

A CIC review is:
  • a meeting to make sure everything is going well with where you are living, and everything is in place for you that needs to be
  • all about you and everything happening in your life. The QARO will want to understand how things are going for you with your carers, your school, your health and help to understand and make a plan for you moving forward

Who will be there

This is your meeting and your views about who should attend and where the meeting should be held are very important. Some meetings can include your QARO, your social worker, your carer and also a family member. We try and make these meetings small and informal to make you feel comfortable about being there.  

When they happen

You will have your first meeting within 20 working days of you moving, and then there will be a meeting within 3 months. After this, you will have a meeting every 6 months.

How to contact your QARO

Once you know your QARO you can:
  • text, call or email them
  • use Mind of My Own to send them a message
  • ask another adult to contact them for you (for example your parent, foster carer, social worker, or teacher)

Family members consultation form

Please complete the family members consultation form if you are a parent or relative.

Carers, health, and other professionals consultation form

Please complete the carers, health, and other professionals consultation form if you are a foster carer, health, education, or other professional.

Tell us about your QARO and your Child in Care Review

It really helps us to hear from children, young people, parents, relatives, foster carers, and others what they think about reviews. It means we can make them better or keep doing them well.
We’d love to hear from you, please complete our feedback form.

Child in Care (CIC) Central Business Support Team

Full contact details