3. Engagement and Consultation

Engagement or consultation that has taken place as part of this proposal

The options consultation document, sets out as fully as possible the policies and proposals being considered for inclusion in the local plan, and includes questions to encourage people to respond.  It has been prepared taking account of the work previously carried out on the district local plan reviews; the consultation responses made on those reviews; discussion with internal and external stakeholders and service providers; and a range of studies commissioned to inform it.  Internal stakeholders include specialist; landscape, design, conservation, transport and flood risk officers as well as external organisations such as Natural England, Historic England and the Environment Agency. Earlier draft Plans have also had engagement with groups representing protected characteristics including local accessibility groups and the gypsy and traveller community.

The Plan is also based on a wide range of commissioned evidence including a landscape and heritage study, Green Belt study and land availability assessment. A cross-party informal Executive Advisory Panel of members has met regularly throughout the preparation work so far, to advise and steer progress.

It is proposed that consultation takes place for eight weeks, starting in January 2021. We will write directly to statutory consultees and stakeholders, including parish and town councils, and all those individuals and groups who have asked to be kept informed of local plan progress, to inform them.  We will also make sure that the consultation is well publicised, and will use online events, social media and other means to ensure that people are aware and can comment, though the normal face to face consultation events are unlikely to be achievable during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please note that the Dorset Council Local Plan Options Consultation is subject to a separate EQIA and which considers how community engagement reaches people whose first language isn't English; Gypsies; Travellers; military personnel as well as groups with disabilities.

How the outcome of consultation will be fed back to those who have been consulted

All comments and feedback received will be carefully considered by officers and made publically available with the key messages being shared with members. The responses will be taken into account in the preparation of a full draft plan, which will then go to Cabinet and full Council in the autumn of 2021 to agree publication and submission for examination.

Next page - Local Plan draft options EqIA: Part 4 - analysing the impact