Aims of the strategy, policy, project or service

To converge the Fleet Services team, under the service manager for Fleet Services in order to create one team.

This means changing some of the reporting lines and relocating two employees from Charminster depot to Poundbury depot.


During the formation of Dorset Council, the fleet maintenance function was combined across all of Dorset Council and this team sits under the Head of Waste Operations in Place based services.

The new council inherited two transport teams and five vehicle workshops. Dorset County Council had one transport team which was managed by a transport manager who has since retired. This team is based in the vehicle workshop office at Charminster Depot. Dorset Waste Partnership had one transport team which was managed by an operations and transport manager who has since left. This team was based at Poundbury Depot where there is a vehicle workshop. As part of the formation of Dorset Council both transport teams were brought together under the title of Fleet Services, and the decision was taken to have one service manager (transport manager) for Fleet Services.

In order to facilitate convergence between the offices into one functioning team, the structure and location of the team needs to change. 

Intelligence and communication 

Data, information, evidence and research used and how it has influenced the decision-making process

  • Fleet Services Consultation Report June 2020
  • Personal data from DES (local authority Employee information system) 20 May 2020 

Once the above paper was issued, communications commenced with the affected employee group via individual consultation meetings, where the consultation paper was discussed.

Data that we already have about service users, or those the proposal will have an impact on

Data included in Step 3: Assessment is taken as from personal data inputted into DES (the local authority employee information system). These figures have been included within the equality impact assessment itself, wherever possible. However, this is a small team and some of the information would identify individuals and therefore is not used here. 

There will be an opportunity to gather further details about those with protected characteristics, for example if they have any additional requirements or are in a caring role.

Engagement or consultation has taken place as part of this EqIA

  • informal consultation.
  • consultation involving trade unions; formal consultation process commenced on 12 July 2020.

The following table gives the timeline for the consultation period:

timeline table
Task  Comments Commencing on
Approval from corporate director 


22 June 2020

Heads up with trade unions 


w/c 6 July 2020

Heads up with team 


w/c 6 July 2020

Consultation meeting with trade unions 


w/c 13 July 2020

Consultation meeting with employees and trade unions 


w/c 13 July 2020

Issue formal consultation letter to trade unions 


20 July 2020

Issue formal consultation letters to employees 


20 July 2020

Consultation period commences 

30 days

23 July 2020

Individual 1:1 consultation with employees concerned, if required, during consultation period 



Respond to issues and revise plans as appropriate 



End of consultation 


21 August 2020

Letter to employees confirming outcome of consultation 


24 August 2020

Implementation date 


1 September 2020


Impacts of the strategy 

impacts table
Impacts on who or what Effect Details
Disability  n/a n/a
Does this affect a specific disability group?  n/a

Employee data does not identify any specific disability characteristics for any of these individuals.

All employees will be treated equally regardless of their disability status however, if someone should declare a disability during the consultation - reasonable adjustments will be made to enable them to fully participate in the process and post the outcome of the process, so any adjustments/adaptations will be implemented.

Gender reassignment and  gender identity  Unclear No information has been declared as Dorset Council does not ask for this data, as such we are not able analyse as to whether there would be impact at this present time. However, all employees will be treated equally regardless of gender
Pregnancy and maternity: Neutral Currently there are no employees on maternity, paternity or adoption leave.
Race and ethnicity  Neutral Employee data does not identify characteristics for these individuals. All employees will be treated equally regardless of race or ethnicity.
Religion or belief Unclear We have insufficient data at this present time to analyse this, however, all employees will be treated equally regardless of religion or belief.
Sexual orientation  Unclear No impacts have been declared or identified.
All employees will be treated equally regardless of sexual orientation.
  • age
  • sex
  • marriage or civil partnership
  • carers
  • rural isolation
  • single parent families
  • poverty (social & economic deprivation)
  • military families
  • veterans

No impacts have been identified.

All employees will be treated equally regardless of the protected characteristic  

Key to impacts

impact description table
Type of impact Description of impact
Positive impact 
  • Positive impact on a large proportion of protected characteristic groups
  • Significant positive impact on a small proportion of protect characteristics group
Negative impact 
  • Disproportionate impact on a large proportion of protected characteristic groups
  • Significant disproportionate impact on a small proportion of protected characteristic groups
Neutral impact 
  • No change/ no assessed significant impact of protected characteristic groups
  • Not enough data/evidence has been collected to make an informed decision

Action Plan

Action plan
 Issue Action Person(s) responsible Deadline How will it be monitored
Consultation with affected employees Consultation period will take place from 23 July 2020- to 21 August 2020, this will provide the opportunity for employees affected to put forward their views. Tim Woolford 21 August 2020 Outcome of the consultation will be shared with employees and unions.
Informing employees of outcome of consultation A formal management response to consultation on proposal for change is issued to employees and unions. n/a n/a n/a
Implementation of new location New location would be implemented on 1 September 2020 n/a n/a Employees made aware through formal response

Who has agreed this EqIA?

Sign off table
Role Name Date
Officer completing this EqIA

Tim Woolford

26 June 2020

Equality Lead

Susan Ward-Rice

10 August 2020

Equality & Diversity Action Group Chair

Dr David Bonner

20 August 2020