Aims of the policy
The Minerals Strategy is an adopted statutory plan which sets out a spatial policy framework for minerals development in Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole (as they were when the Minerals Strategy was adopted, now Dorset Council and BCP).
It is a strategic document and is not site-specific. It indicates the range, type, quantity and broad location of minerals extraction over the plan period up to 2028.
It also includes the policies used to determine applications for minerals development, to control the restoration of worked out mineral sites and policies to protect undeveloped minerals in the ground.
Background or context to the proposal
The Minerals Strategy was prepared before Local Government Reorganisation, by Dorset County Council as Mineral Planning Authority on behalf of Bournemouth and Poole Councils. It formed, and still forms, part of the statutory Development Plan for Dorset Council and BCP Council. Dorset County Council was legally required to prepare a plan relating to minerals provision and development.
Local planning authorities are required to review their plans every five years, to ensure they remain effective and appropriate.
To carry out a formal review of a plan such as the Minerals Strategy is a complex process, and involves changes to parts or all of the plan, with accompanying potential impacts on local communities and the environment.
Dorset Council, to comply with this requirement, has carried out a preliminary screening of the policies of the Minerals Strategy, to assess whether or not a full or partial review is required. As a result of the screening exercise, the subject of this report, it was determined that a formal Review was not required at this time. As there was to be no change to the Minerals Strategy, no new consultation/engagement has been undertaken.
Intelligence and communication
Data, information, evidence and research used and how it has influenced the decision making process
When the Minerals Strategy was originally prepared an EqIA was undertaken. This was just one part of an extensive evidence gathering exercise, which was required to have available the information necessary to prepare a statutory plan, and to defend it at examination.
In addition, there were several rounds of full public consultation and a series of public engagement meetings across the county, culminating in a public examination before a planning inspector. Information gathered during these public engagement events was used to inform the EqIA.
As noted above, as no change to the adopted Minerals Strategy is proposed, no further evidence has been gathered.
As a statutory plan, the influence of the Minerals Strategy extends across the whole of the Dorset Council and BCP Council (as they are now) areas. Since mineral extraction does not normally take place in urban areas, rural communities are more likely to be affected by mineral development.
However, as minerals have to be worked where they are found, the Mineral Planning Authority have very limited options for influencing the location of future workings.
The most appropriate action was to ensure that the Minerals Strategy contained appropriate safeguards to appropriately mitigate potential impacts of mineral working on amenity and the environment.
Engagement or consultation has taken place as part of this proposal
At this stage, no new engagement/consultation is considered necessary.
This will not be needed at this stage.
This policy, strategy, project or service does not require an EqIA because following assessment, no change is proposed to the existing, adopted Minerals Strategy 2014. When the decision is taken to formally Review the Minerals Strategy, at that stage EqIA will be undertaken.
EqIA Sign Off
Role | Name | Date |
Officer completing this EqIA: |
Trevor Badley |
12 August 2020 |
Equality Lead: |
Susan Ward-Rice |
13 August 2020 |
Equality & Diversity Action Group Chair: |
Dr David Bonner |
20 August 2020 |