The Purbeck Heritage Network involves a large group of organisations and individuals, who meet at least annually to share ideas and learn about projects taking place in the Purbeck area.

Anyone can join the network and there is no charge to be a member. Contact us to become a member. You can also sign-up to receive regular e-newsletters.

Countryside and Tourism Officer - Purbeck

Name: Rachael Shefford
Tel: 01929 557237
Full contact details

See The Purbeck Heritage Network  Terms of Reference and a list of  member organisations.

Purbeck Heritage Priorities 2017-2021

Heritage priorities have been identified within 7 categories:

  • landscape
  • biodiversity and habitats
  • coast and sea
  • geodiversity
  • historic and built environment
  • land management and local products
  • exploring, enjoying and learning

The  Purbeck Heritage Strategy 2010 to 2015 contained an action plan showing projects and areas of work to be implemented by Network members. The  updated Purbeck Heritage Strategy Action Plan shows what progress was achieved up until December 2015.