The Local government transparency code 2015 makes it mandatory for local authorities to publish expenditure data as follows:

  • expenditure exceeding £500
  • government procurement card transactions (no lower limit)
  • at least quarterly; and
  • no later than one month after the quarter to which the data and information is applicable

For each individual item of expenditure, the following information must be published:

  • date the expenditure was incurred
  • local authority department which incurred the expenditure
  • beneficiary
  • summary of the purpose of the expenditure
  • amount
  • Value Added Tax (VAT) that cannot be recovered 
  • merchant category 

Please note that we recover all VAT and only orders raised by order will show a summary of the expenditure incurred.  Any procurement card spend over £500 can be found within the Procurement card transactions.

Publication of these lists forms part of the authority's commitment to be open and transparent with our residents.







Requests for more information on items detailed within these reports will be responded to as a Freedom of Information request.

Please contact the Finance Team at Dorset Council for further information about the publishing of this data.

Finance Team - Dorset Council

Tel: 01305 228622
Full contact details