About welfare benefits

Welfare benefit is money you can get from the government to help you with your care and support.

There are different types of welfare benefits.

If you are under 16 years old

Your welfare benefits will be paid to your parent or carer.

Your parent or carer can apply for welfare benefits on your behalf.

If you are over 16 years old

You can claim your own welfare benefits.

Types of welfare benefits you may get

  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Universal Credit (UC)


Disability Living Allowance - under 16

DLA is for certain young people aged under 16 years old.

It can help you if you need extra help to look after yourself or if you find it difficult to move around and get out and about.

Disability Living Allowance - over 16

Once you are over 16 years old, your DLA will stop and you will need to apply for Personal Independence Payment (PIP).


Benefits calculator

Use a benefits calculator to find out what you could get.

How to get Disability Living Allowance

Complete a Disability Living Allowance form online.

Ask for a paper form by telephone:  0800 121 4600

Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

Personal Independence Payment is for people aged over 16 years old.

It can help you if you need extra help to look after yourself or if you find it difficult to move around and get out and about.

Use a benefits calculator to find out what you could get.

How to get Personal Independence Payment

You can find more information about Personal Independence Payment online.

Apply over the telephone or ask for a paper form:  0800 917 2222.

Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

Employment and Support Allowance can help you if you are not able to work. It can also help you to work if you are able to.

There are different types of Employment and Support Allowance.

How to get Employment and Support Allowance

Telephone:  0800 328 5644

Universal Credit (UC)

Universal Credit is a payment to help with your living costs.

You can usually only get Universal Credit if you are over 18 years old.

If you are 16 or 17 years old, you can only get Universal Credit for certain reasons.

You can find more information about Universal Credit and who can get it online.

Use a benefits calculator to find out what you could get.

How to get Universal Credit

You can apply for Universal Credit online.

There is a telephone helpline:  0800 328 5644.

Who can help you with welfare benefits

There is an online benefits calculator. You can use it to find out which welfare benefits you could get.

Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice has lots of information about benefits on their website. You can also speak to them and get advice on the phone.

Telephone: 03444 111 444.

How we look after your personal information

We sometimes need to keep personal information about you. This is to help us to support you. Our staff keeps your information safe. Only people who really need to are allowed to see your information.

Contact details

If you would like to ask us anything about this you can:

Telephone 01305 225175

email: data.protection@dorsetcc.gov.uk

Or write to:
Data Protection Officer
Records Management Unit
County Hall
Colliton Park

Tell us what you think

You can tell us if there is something you are not happy about or if there is something you want to change about your services:

  • tell us when you like what we are doing
  • tell us your ideas and suggestions
  • tell us when you are unhappy with what we are doing

Contact details

You can telephone us on 01305 221061 if you would like to make a complaint. 

If you want to write us a letter, you can post it to:

Complaints Team


Business Reply License No.


Dorset County Council,

County Hall

Colliton Park




You do not need a stamp.

Diversity Statement

Diversity means a mix of different kinds of people like:

  • men and women
  • young and old people
  • people of different races
  • disabled and non-disabled people

Dorset County Council will try to treat all people fairly and with respect.

Contact us

Telephone: 01305 221016

or email:  adultaccess@dorsetcc.gov.uk

If you would like this information in large print, on audio cassette/CD, Braille, or a different language, contact us on 01305 221000.