This is the Local Development Scheme (LDS) for Dorset Council, setting out a programme for the preparation of new development plan documents (1). The main development plan document that will be produced is the new local plan for Dorset. A Minerals and Waste Local Plan will also be produced. These development plan documents will be prepared to cover the whole of the Dorset Council LPA area as shown in Figure 1, unless stated otherwise.
Dorset Council is not currently producing any joint development plan documents however, some of the evidence to support plan production is being produced jointly. There is a need for development plan documents to be founded on proportionate evidence to enable an understanding of local issues relevant to plan production. The joint preparation of this evidence enables cross-boundary issues to be better understood and reflected in policy.
Figure 1: The Dorset Council area
Predicted timescales / dates for consultation periods and other key milestones are given in square brackets [], however these may be subject to change and will be updated regularly. The approach to engagement at each stage in the process will be endorsed by Dorset Council Cabinet.
In July 2023, the Government consulted on proposals to implement the parts of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill (now the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act) which related to plan-making in England. The proposals will substantially change the way local plans will be prepared. The timetable set out for the introduction of these reforms anticipated that the necessary regulations, policy and guidance would have been in place by Autumn 2024 enabling the first new-style local plans to be prepared from that point onwards. However, since this consultation, there has been a change in Government and a review of changes to the planning system. A new NPPF was introduced in December 2024 and the new plan-making system, although delayed is anticipated to commence in Summer/Autumn 2025.
The transitional arrangements set out in Annex 1 of the December 2024 NPPF set out how local authorities should respond to the new planning system. The Dorset Council Local Plan reached Regulation 18 stage in early 2021 but has not yet reached Regulation 19 stage. As such, the policies in the December 2024 version of the NPPF should be used for plan-making.
With the new planning system likely to be introduced in mid to late 2025, the deadline for submitting local plans under the current planning system has been set at December 2026. There is an element of risk around waiting for the new planning system when the detail of regulations and guidance have not been produced and the timetable for its introduction is indicative. However given the proposed transitional arrangements, it is expected that there is sufficient time for the Local Plan to be prepared under the current planning system.
(1) Required under section 15 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended)