Public procurement law has changed. Around £385 billion is spent each year on public procurement. One in every three pounds of public money. The reforms aim to:

  • streamline and improve the way procurement is done
  • make it easier for suppliers to bid for contracts
  • make buying decisions more transparent

The Procurement Act 2023 came into force on 24 February 2025. Previous regulations will continue to apply for:

  • contracts that are already in progress
  • projects started before the Procurement Act 2023 came into effect

Key benefits for suppliers

The new act benefits suppliers of all sizes, particularly start-ups, scale-ups and small businesses. The benefits include:

  • a central digital platform that allows suppliers to register and store their details. This allows them to be used for multiple bids and see all opportunities in one place
  • a simpler bidding processes. This makes it easier to bid, negotiate and work in partnership with the public sector
  • commercial frameworks that offer more flexibility. This means prospective suppliers are not shut out for long periods of time
  • removed barriers and created more equal opportunities for smaller businesses. This allows them to compete for more contracts
  • prompt payment is built in for more businesses in public sector supply chains
  • a stronger exclusions framework will take tougher action on underperforming suppliers

What you need to do

If you supply, or hope to supply public or utility sectors with:

  • goods
  • works
  • services

You need to understand the changes for new procurements after 24 February 2025.

Find a Tender (FTS)

FTS is the central digital platform for public procurement.  You will need to register your business, but this can be done at the point that you want to bid for a contract.

If you were previously registered on Find a Tender before 24 February 2025 you will need to re-register.

FTS guides on GOV.UK:

More Guidance and Support

Supplier information guidance and animated ‘how-to’ videos for suppliers.

Transforming Public Procurement the main landing page provides further information about the new regime and advice relating to the Procurement Act 2023.