In Dorset we have seen a reducing local child in care population. In the last year the numbers of older children have increased as we have welcomed unaccompanied children through the National Transfer Scheme.
Our family
As of March 2024, there were 449 children in care. The Dorset rate of children in care 67.92 is lower than national average and good and statistical neighbours. We have a total of 539 care experienced young people (18 to 25) of which 305 young people age are actively engaged with our care leavers service.
Most of our young people in care are aged 11 years plus with the 11 to 15 age group being the largest cohort (40%).
55% of our children in care population are male. This has been a consistent proportion over time ranging from 53% to 55%.
Most of our children in care are white British 73.42%, with 9.5% being from black mixed multiple ethnic groups.
Education attainment
In 2022 to 2023 academic year 25% Dorset children in care were working at expected standard in maths and writing. In Key Stage 2, 58% are working at expected standard for maths and reading with 62% working at expected standard for writing.
Education attainment
In 2023 GCSE results 28.57% of our cohort achieved a grade 4 or above in maths (13.64% in 2021/22) and 21.42% achieved a grade 4 or above in English (22.7% in 2021/22). More young people achieved 5 grade 4’s and above at 30.95% compared to 13.6% in 2021/22 with 16.67% achieving 5 grade 4s and above including English and maths (9.1% in 2021/22).
Education settings
At the end of academic year 2022 to 2023 85.65% attend settings rated as Outstanding or Good.
Emotional wellbeing
At the end of March 2024, the average SDQ score for children in care was 15.06, Throughout 2023 to 2024 this has remained consistently higher that National Average and the average of similar well-performing regions.
Family based care
Dorset’s proportion of children living with a foster family is 71% which is higher than the National Average and the average of similar well-performing regions..
Children who left care
154 children ceased to be child in care in 2023. 41 (27%) had been in care for less than 6 months, and 84 (55%) had been in care for a year or more. 14.6 % children in this period left care to return home to live with parents, relatives or other person with parental responsibility as part of the care planning process. 11%, left care through a Special Guardianship Order and 10% left care to be adopted.
Education, employment and training
The percentage of Dorset care experienced young people in education, training or employment aged 19, 20 and 21 in 2023 to 2024 is 51.2% which is lower than National Average and the average of similar well-performing regions.
Suitable accommodation
97% active care experienced young people aged 17 to 25 are living in suitable accommodation.