In order to be considered as a care worker you must be:
- the person providing care or support on behalf of a local authority or charity; or
- employed by the person who is being cared for, having been introduced to that person through the local authority or charity
- in work for at least 24 hours per week
- in receipt of less than £44 per week
- living in premises provided by your employer in order to carry out your job more effectively. Please note this does not necessarily mean that you have to live with the person you are caring for
We need evidence that includes who you are working for, details of pay and hours worked. Please note that care workers may also have other employment not necessarily connected.
In assessing the gross wages, this is the amount actually paid by the employer, other forms of remuneration such as provision of accommodation would be ignored.
How to apply
Please contact us to apply.
You will need to provide:
- your Council Tax reference
- your full names
- your address
- the discount you wish to apply for, for example single person discount
- the date you wish to claim the discount from or the date the change in your circumstance is taking place
- a contact telephone number