Support plan using your budget

If you need extra care and support
Everyone should be able to live safely and independently in their own home for as long as they can. However, illness, accident or disability may mean that you need extra care and support.
If you need care and support, you need to:
- contact the Adult Access Team on 01305 221016
- book a care and support assessment
- book a financial assessment
- a support plan will be written if the assessment says that you need care and support
- choose your care and support services

Your support plan
You will start with a personal budget. This is the amount of money we have decided that your care and support should cost. The support cost in your plan must be within your budget.
Your support plan will include:
- how you can stay independent
- what you want to change or achieve – outcomes
- support you get from family, friends, or community organisations such as a church or a lunch club
- the social care you need, including support and equipment
- the cost of your support
We will agree on the support plan with you. Then we can arrange your support.

Things that are not in your support plan
The following are not in your support plan:- NHS services - medical supplies and equipment
- rent, food and paying bills such as gas, electric, or water
- anything that is illegal or would not help your well-being

Arranging support
There are a few options:
- direct payment - this means you can choose to employ your own staff or buy your services from a care provider
- Individual Service Funds (ISF) - this means you choose an organisation to look after your personal budget. You will work together to arrange services and support
- commissioned services - this means that the council finds a care company to support you. This option may have less choice than direct payment or ISF

Reviewing support
Your support will be reviewed as follows:- we will do a review within three months of your first support plan, and then every year
- we can also review your care if something in your life changes
- you can ask a family member, friend, carer, advocate, or service provider to help you get ready for your reviews