In 2024 Artz+ Sportz+ will celebrate 20 years of providing high quality arts and sports holiday activities. These activities are for families who have children and young people with a disability. Children aged 5 to 18 years can take part. The project has developed a Dorset wide school holiday and term time programme of high quality arts and sports activities including:
- special sensory days
- bush crafts
- days out
- forest arts activities
- an annual Christmas family event
Dorset Short Breaks funds the project to ensure parents can take valuable respite time to enjoy time with other siblings. Parents can also just take some me time. Each school holiday there is a unique programme with new and fun activities. These take place in different community venues all over Dorset.
You don’t need an education, health and care plan (EHCP) to join. We recognise many children may be waiting for one or are not yet
diagnosed with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
During Easter, Summer, and Christmas school holidays, Artz+ Sportz+ works with the Dorset Council Holiday and Food (HAF) scheme. This is to offer families with a disabled child who is eligible for benefit related free school meals the opportunity to book a free activity with a hot meal once a week . All you need to do is apply for your HAF code and give us the code when you book the special Artz+ HAF activity.
The Artz+ Sportz+ programme offers occasional family events during the year. There is also a special annual Christmas Family Event.

Artz Sportz staff

Artz Sportz Xtra sessions

Information for new parents or carers
- Parent