General information that will help in the preparation of planning applications, providing advice on a number of pertinent highway-related matters.

Highway Development Management in Dorset

The Transport Development Management team covers the whole of Dorset, employing a dedicated team of engineers to provide highway development control advice. Please see the contact details of Highway Development Control team members across Dorset.

  • visibility splays - Information relating to the provision of sight lines at accesses and junctions onto the public highway.
  • car parking - Information relating to the geometric requirements for car parking spaces.
  • garaging - Information relating to the geometric requirements for garaging.
  • single access - Information relating to the geometric requirements for providing a new single access onto the public highway.
  • single access and lay-by - Information relating to the geometric requirements for providing a new single access and lay-by onto the public highway.
  • agricultural access - Information relating to the geometric requirements for providing a new agricultural access onto the public highway
  • formation of an access - Information relating to the formation of an access onto a public highway
  • vehicle turntables - Information relating to the provision of vehicle turntables
  • residential estate design - Highways should be designed and constructed in accordance with the guidance provided by Manual for Streets (MfS) and Manual for Streets 2 (MfS2). Applicants are encouraged to discuss their proposals at an early stage with the Transport Development Team.
  • School Safe Environment Zone Development Guidance - This document is intended to provide additional local guidance to current national design guidance for developments that include schools, or other significant education establishments. Schools will still be required to be located within walking, cycling and wheeling distances of new and existing dwellings. Good quality, illuminated, continuous, user friendly routes and paths between dwellings and the school will also be required in addition to any of the provisions in this document. School Safe Environment Zone Development Guidance

Pre-application advice

We actively encourage all applicants to discuss their proposal with the Highway Authority before submitting a planning application to the Planning Authority. Discussions will result in a better chance of successful outcome and help to speed up the decision-making process after submission.

See our pre-application information sheet for further information about this service and the charging arrangements.