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If you think you have a condensation problem see our booklet How to prevent damp, mould and condensation in your home, a step by step guide for more information. It is always a good idea in the first instance to discuss the matter with your landlord or letting agent. The solution to resolving condensation problems often requires some input from both the tenant and landlord and can involve ensuring that you have adequate heating and also use it. Also the property needs to be appropriately ventilated. By working together you may be able to find a quick solution.

Keeping warm

All homes should have heating that is controllable by the occupants, safely installed and maintained. It should also be appropriate to the design, layout and construction, so that the whole home can be adequately and efficiently heated.

There is no specific standard for the type of heating a rented home should have and the most common systems are gas fired central heating, electric night storage heaters and electric panel heaters. It's important to understand how to operate your heating system so that you get the most benefit from it, whilst ensuring that it is still as economical to run as possible.

If you have no or limited heating or your heating has broken, you should discuss the matter with your landlord in the first instance. You can also contact us for advice using the below contact information.

Report a damp, mould or heating issue

Start now

Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)

All residential properties rented from the 1 October 2008 are required to possess an EPC. You should be given a copy before the start of your tenancy. The EPC looks broadly similar to the energy labels provided on many household  appliances. The EPC will provide an energy efficiency rating of your property from ‘A’ to ‘G’, where ‘A’ is very efficient and ‘G’ is the least efficient. The better the rating the more energy efficient the building is and the lower the fuel bills are likely to be.

From the 1 April 2018 landlords must ensure that their properties reach at least an EPC rating of ‘E’ before granting a new tenancy to new or existing tenants. In other words properties with an ‘F’ or ‘G’ rating shall not be let, unless the landlord can demonstrate that a relevant exemption applies. If you have entered into a new tenancy on or after the 1 April 2018 and believe your property has an EPC rating of ‘F’ or ‘G’ then please contact your local councils Private Sector Housing Team for further information and advice.

These requirements will then apply to all existing private rented properties (even where there has been no change in tenancy arrangements) from 1 April 2020.

To find out more information or to find an EPC for your home please visit the EPC Register website.