Carers' support
A carer is anyone who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid.
If you are a carer, we can help you. As a local authority we can:
- provide information, advice and guidance. This may include pointing you in the direction of specialist organisations
- carry out a free carer's assessment. This includes seeing whether you have eligible needs. If you do, we will agree a support plan with you

To meet these responsibilities, we work in partnership with other organisations. Carer Support Dorset and the online self-help tool, Bridgit Care, are our main partners.
I need to talk to someone
If you need to talk, Carer Support Dorset are there to help. They have a freephone line you can call to find out about their services. You can also register with them for ongoing help.
The Care Journey - carer support
SWAN - South West Advocacy Network
SWAN is a charity providing independent advocacy to ensure everyone, especially the most vulnerable, has equal rights. They offer support to carers aged 16+ through various assessments and planning, ensuring their needs and rights are met and respected. We work with them closely and you can contact them directly if you need support.