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Autism, ADHD and other neurological conditions
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NHS Dorset neurodiversity hub
This website contains information to support neurodivergent people in Dorset, with a particular focus on autism and ADHD.
Autism spectrum condition (ASC)
Find out more about autism from the NHS.
Learning disabilities and autism
Find out more about learning disabilities and autism information on the NHS Dorset website.
Development and behaviour pathway
Find out what happens if you're worried about your child's development or behaviour.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Find out more about ADHD from the NHS.
Dynamic support register (DSR)
Find out more about the DSR.
Find out more about dyslexia from the NHS.
Find out more about epilepsy from the NHS.
Care and Treatment Reviews (CTRs)
There are two versions of the CTR. One for children and young people called a Care, Education and Treatment Review (CETR), and one for adults which is the CTR.
Development co-ordination disorder (dyspraxia)
Find out more about dyspraxia in children and adults.
Local Area Emergency Protocol (LAEP) meetings
An easy read document about LAEP meetings.
All Age Neuro - developmental Review
Read the All Age Neurodevelopmental Review from NHS Dorset.
Admission avoidance: a parents' guide
Find out how to avoid mental health admissions for young people with autism or a learning disability.
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