
Step 2
If you still need help, you will have a supported assessment. We will talk with you about:
- things you want to be able to do
- what is important to you
- the things you can already do
- help you already have, for example, from family or friends
- support you need
- equipment or technology that might help
We might also ask about:
- how you look after yourself
- the things you enjoy doing
- things you find difficult
- your physical and emotional health
- whether you have a carer

Support from the council
Not everyone can get support from the council.
We use guidelines in the Care Act 2014 to make the decision. The guidelines make sure that everyone has fair access to care services.
We will ask you these three questions to work out whether you will be able to get care and support from the council:
- Do you need support because of an illness, a physical disability, frailty or mental illness?
- Do your needs mean you are unable to achieve two or more of the tasks or outcomes in the list below?
- Is it likely to be a significant impact on your wellbeing?
You must be able to answer yes to all of the questions to get care and support.

When working out whether you will be able to get the care and support services, we look at outcomes that you want to change or achieve.
We measure this by checking if you are unable to achieve two or more of the following tasks:
- eating and drinking
- washing and dressing
- using the toilet
- getting dressed
- being safe at home
- keeping your home clean and tidy
- keeping contact with friends and family
- taking part in work, training, education, or volunteering
- taking part in your local community such as using public transport
- caring for your child or partner
If you cannot get care and support from the council, we will talk with you about how you can do things differently and give you information and advice.

Paying for your care
Most people will have to pay for the cost of their care. If you have less than £23,250 in savings, you will get some help.
Everyone has the right to a support assessment or to receive information and guidance.

Financial assessments
Your financial assessment will work out whether you need to pay towards your care.
The assessment is to find out about:
- your savings and investments
- income
- property (if you are in permanent residential care)
- the cost of your housing
- the money you spend as a result of your disability
Our assessment officer will do your assessment on phone. In some cases, we may need to visit you at home.

Support plan
We will write a support plan for the care and support you need. We will work out the cost of care and support. This is your personal budget.
Your personal budget includes what you have to pay and what the council will pay. We will review your personal budget within 3 months of starting it and then every 12 months.
If your situation changes, tell us as soon as possible. We will update your support plan

If you need someone to support you
Family, friends, health and social care staff can help you speak up.
You might have a power of attorney for your health and welfare, or finance. A power of attorney means a person who has the authority to make decisions on your behalf.
If you do not have family or friends who can help, an advocate can:
- listen to your views and wishes
- make sure your views and wishes are considered
- explain the process
- support you to speak up
- speak up for you (if that is what you want)
- express your views and concerns
- explore your choices and options
If you need an advocate, speak to your social care worker, or read our information about advocacy.