Adoption of the Nitrogen Reduction in Poole Harbour (April 2017) Supplementary Planning Document

The councils in Dorset prepared a joint strategy for mitigating the impacts of nitrogen pollution in wastewater on Poole Harbour habitat site. The approach is presented in the ‘Nitrogen Reduction in Poole Supplementary Planning Document’ (SPD). The SPD outlines a process for calculating the nitrogen loads expected from new development, the different options for mitigating the impacts of nitrogen pollution and a process for funding and delivering mitigation projects.

The councils have undertaken monitoring to understand if the strategy presented in the SPD is effective. The monitoring report relates to residential and tourist accommodation developments and the mitigation which has been delivered within Poole Harbour’s catchment between 1 April 2017 and the monitoring year running between 1 April 2020 and 31 March 2021. Subsequent monitoring reports will also be published on this webpage.

On 16 March 2022, Natural England notified Dorset Council of their updated advice on nutrient (relating to both phosphorus and nitrogen) neutrality for development proposals within the catchments of internationally protected habitats sites. Natural England’s notification includes specific guidance relating to Poole Harbour. The Nitrogen Reduction in Poole Harbour SPD will need to be refreshed to reflect this latest advice and more information is available on our Nutrient Neutrality page.