Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Rates 2024


The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is charged at a set amount per square metre of additional floor area as detailed in the relevant Charging Schedule and increases each year on 1 January, using the value published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

The CIL rates to be charged from 1 January 2024 for each charging schedule are available using the links on the left. The CIL Calculator will give an approximate value for the liability payable on a chargeable development.  Please note, the published rates and calculator are for reference only and approximate to two decimal places.  Therefore, the  liability calculated may not be the actual value for the floor area proposed that is stated on the Liability Notice.

East Dorset Area Charging Schedule

Use Class Description 2024 Rate per square metre
C3 Residential (more than 10 units) £93.25
C3 Residential (10 units or less or less than 1000sqm) £199.83

Residential on the following New Neighbourhood sites (allocated in the Core Strategy) which provide their own Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANG) as mitigation for European sites:

Cuthbury Allotments and St Margaret's Hill (WMC5) - 220 dwellings

Cranborne Road, North Wimborne (WMC6) - 600 dwellings

South of Leigh Road (WMC8) - 350 dwellings

Lockyers School and land North of Corfe Mullen (CM1) - 250 dwellings

Holmwood House New Neighbourhood (FWP3) - 150 dwellings (resolution to grant planning permission)

East of New Road, West Parley (FWP6) - 320 dwellings

West of New Road, West Parley (FWP7) - 150 dwellings

North Western Verwood New Neighbourhood (VTSW4) - 230 dwellings

North Eastern Verwood New Neighbourhood (VTSW5) - 65 dwellings (resolution to grant planning permission)

Stone Lane, Wimborne (WMC6) - 90 dwellings

Zero Rated
C3 Residential on sites of 40 or more dwellings where on-site SANG is required by the Local Planning Authority Zero Rated
N/A Extra Care Housing and Housing for Vulnerable People (developments that comprise self-contained homes with design features and support services available to enable self-care and independent living) £53.29
N/A Hotels Zero Rated
N/A Care Homes £53.29
N/A Offices Zero Rated
N/A Light Industrial/Warehousing Zero Rated
N/A Convenience Retail £146.54
N/A Comparison Retail Zero Rated
N/A Public Service and Community Facilities Zero Rated
N/A  Standard Charge (all other uses not covered) Zero Rated


Purbeck Area Charging Schedule

Use Class Description Sub-Market Area# 2024 CIL Rate per sq. m.
A1 Retail   £122.12
A2 Financial & Professional Services in Town Centre   £32.56
A3 Restaurants/Cafes   £32.56
A4 Drinking Establishments   £32.56
A5  Hot Food Takeaways   £32.56
B1(a) Light Industrial   Zero Rated
B1(b) Research & Development   Zero Rated
B1(c) Light Industrial   Zero Rated
B2 General Industrial   Zero Rated
B8 Storage & Distribution   Zero Rated
C1 Hotels & Guesthouses   Zero Rated
C2 Residential Institutions   Zero Rated
Care Homes Swanage/The Coast £162.82
Wareham/Purbeck Rural Fringe £48.85
Upton/Purbeck Rural Centre Zero Rated
C3 Sheltered and Retirement Housing Swanage/The Coast £162.82
Wareham/Purbeck Rural Fringe £48.85
Upton/Purbeck Rural Centre Zero Rated
C3/C4 Other Residential Dwellings Swanage/The Coast £293.08
Wareham/Purbeck Rural Fringe £162.82
Purbeck Rural Centre £48.85
Upton £16.28
D1 Non Residential Institutions   Zero Rated
D2 Assembly & Leisure   Zero Rated

# Where not specified - rate covers whole Charging Schedule area. 

West Dorset Area Charging Schedule

Use Class Description 2024 CIL Rate per sq. m.
C3 Dwellings £140.59
C3 Dwellings with Restricted Holiday Use £140.59
C3  Essential Rural Workers' Dwellings Zero Rated
N/A All Other Development Zero Rated

Strategic Site Allocations:

Littlemoor Urban Extension - LITT1

Chickerell Urban Extension - CHIC2

Land at Crossways - CRS1

Land at Vearse Farm - BRID1

Zero Rated


Weymouth & Portland Area Charging Schedule

Use Class Description 2024 CIL Rate per square metre
C3 Dwellings (all areas except Portland) £130.75
C3 Dwellings (Portland) £112.47
C3 Dwellings with Restricted Holiday Use (all areas except Portland) £130.75
C3 Dwellings with Restricted Holiday Use (Portland) £112.47
C3 Essential Rural Workers' Dwellings Zero Rated
N/A All Other Development Zero Rated

Strategic Site Allocations:

Littlemoor Urban Extension - LITT1

Markham & Little Francis - WEY10

Zero Rated