Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule Instalment Policies


The total amount of liability calculated for a development can be paid in instalments, in accordance with the instalment policies currently adopted for each Charging Schedule area.

East Dorset Area Instalment Policy

CIL Instalment Policy - Adopted September 2016

It is important to consider developer cashflow. Therefore, CIL payments can be delayed for up to 720 days from commencement (dependant on level of CIL liability) to improve development economics. The benefits to delivery outweigh the fact that local authority receipts will be delayed.

It should be noted that under the regulations, each phase in an outline permission is treated under CIL as a separate chargeable development. The liability notice for each phase is triggered separately at the point where the planning permission ‘first permits’ development of that phase. Liability to pay is then triggered by commencement of the phase.

Instalments Policy

This policy has been prepared in accordance with regulation 69B of the 2010 Community Infrastructure Regulations (as amended).

The Council will allow payment of CIL by instalments to the total amount of the liability as follows: 

Total Amount of CIL Liability Number of Instalments Payment Period and Amounts
Up to £75,000 Two

1st instalment - 25% payable by 60 days from commencement

2nd instalment - 75% payable by 360 days from commencement

Greater than £75,000 Four

1st instalment - 20% payable by 60 days from commencement

2nd instalment - 20% payable by 360 days from commencement

3rd instalment - 30% payable by 540 days from commencement

4th instalment - 30% payable by 720 days from commencement


1. Where an outline planning permission permits development to be implemented in phases, each phase of the development is a separate chargeable development and will be collected in accordance with the Instalment Policy.

2. Nothing in this Instalment Policy prevents the person with assumed liability to pay CIL, to pay the outstanding CIL (in whole or in part) in advance of the instalment period set out in this policy.


Purbeck Area Instalment Policy

CIL Instalment Policy - Adopted 14 February 2017

CIL Liability Instalments
Up to £3,500 No instalments - 100% payable 60 days from commencement
From £3,501 to £75,000

1st instalment - 30% payable by 60 days from commencement

2nd instalment - 70% payable by 360 days from commencement

Over £75,000

1st instalment - 30% payable by 60 days from commencement

2nd instalment - 30% payable by 360 days from commencement

3rd instalment - 30% payable by 540 days from commencement

4th instalment - 10% payable by 720 days from commencement


If any planning permission is phased, then each phase will be a different chargeable amount and will be collected in accordance with this instalment policy.

The person(s) with assumed liability to pay, can pay the outstanding CIL payment (in part or full) in advance of the instalment period set out in this policy if they wish.


Purbeck CIL Instalment Policy will apply to the payment of CIL as stated above:

1. where the Council has received a valid CIL Assumption of Liability form prior to commencement of the chargeable development; and

2. Where the Council has received a valid CIL Commencement Notice prior to commencement of the chargeable development.

Missed instalments

If an instalment is missed or paid late, the total liability remaining must be paid immediately and will be subject to late payment interest calculated in accordance with Regulation 87.

Disqualifying events

If a disqualifying event occurs, the total liability, including any surcharge (see below) will become due seven days after the issue of a Demand Notice, if notification is given by the party liable. If the Council does not receive notification, the total liability, including surcharge, will become due on the day that the Council becomes aware of the disqualifying event. Daily interest charges are applicable from the first day after the due date and late payment surcharges will be imposed after 30 days, 6 and 12 months from the due date.

When a disqualifying event occurs, the total CIL liability will become payable.


In addition, the CIL Regulations give the Council a discretion to apply surcharges where there has been:

  • a failure to assume liability before commencement;
  • a failure to give the Council a notice of chargeable development;
  • a failure to give the Council a commencement notice;
  • a failure to comply with an information notice served by the Council;
  • a failure to tell the Council of a disqualifying event;
  • a late payment of CIL; and
  • where the Council has to apportion liability to pay CIL between material interests in the land.

As the surcharges are to ensure that authorities do not suffer financially by having to carry out additional tasks, the Council will normally apply the relevant surcharge. However, the General Manager - Planning and Community Services may in exceptional circumstances consider not applying a surcharge having regard to:

  • the circumstances in which the failure occurred;
  • whether undue hardship would be caused to any person;
  • whether the breach was inadvertent;
  • whether there has been a history of failure to comply with the CIL Regulations; and
  • the steps taken by the person in default to remedy the breach.

If you are liable for CIL, it is your responsibility to be aware of and follow the correct procedures on all Liability and Demand Notices that are issued in regard to your development. Failure to comply will incur extra costs through surcharges and interest payments, as set out in this Policy and the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended).










West Dorset Instalment Policy

CIL Instalment Policy - Adopted 18 July 2016

CIL becomes due for payment upon commencement of the development, and must be paid in full within 60 days of the commencement date if the contribution sought is up to £60,000. Where the contribution sought exceeds £60,000, the contribution can be paid in accordance with the schedule below.

Nothing in this Instalment Policy prevents payment in advance of the periods set out below.

Where an outline planning permission permits development in phases, each phase is a separate chargeable development and will be collected in accordance with this Instalment Policy. This may apply to schemes which have full planning permission as well as to outline permissions.

CIL Payable Instalments
Up to £60,000 Payable 60 days from commencement
Greater than £60,000

1/3 payable 60 days from commencement

1/3 payable 360 days from commencement

1/3 payable 540 days from commencement


Weymouth & Portland Instalment Policy

CIL Instalment Policy - Adopted 18 July 2016

CIL becomes due for payment upon commencement of the development, and must be paid in full within 60 days of the commencement date if the contribution sought is up to £60,000. Where the contribution sought exceeds £60,000, the contribution can be paid in accordance with the schedule below.

Nothing in this Instalment Policy prevents payment in advance of the periods set out below.

Where an outline planning permission permits development in phases, each phase is a separate chargeable development and will be collected in accordance with this Instalment Policy. This may apply to schemes which have full planning permission as well as to outline permissions.

CIL Payable Instalments
Up to £60,000 Payable 60 days from commencement
Greater than £60,000

1/3 payable 60 days from commencement

1/3 payable 360 days from commencement

1/3 payable 540 days from commencement