We want you to succeed in your education training and work and will support you to achieve your goals.
That might be:
- going to college or university
- finding work
- doing an apprenticeship
Or any other opportunity.
We will help you to write your Personal Education Plan (PEP) with your Virtual School Adviser. We will do this until the end of year 13. This plan will look at what you want for your future and be included in your Pathway Plan.
You are expected to stay in:
- education
- training
- employment with training
At least until you're 18 years old to gain qualifications. This doesn't mean you have to stay at school. There are lots of different education or training options available.
Your Personal Adviser or Education and Employment Training (EET) re-engagement adviser will make sure you have full and up to date advice about:
- courses
- apprenticeships
- working
- volunteering
- work experience
If you are in full time education, you may be able to claim Universal Credit to pay your living expenses.
If you are not in:
- education
- training
- work
Universal Credit will help you while you work out your future plans.
There are bursaries and grants available to help you with your studies:
- at college
- at university
- when doing an apprenticeship
We can also offer you an incentive to volunteer.
If you are in full time education and you need a laptop you can get money towards IT equipment. Full time means 12 hours or more per week. Find out more about the entitlements you can claim.
We have a scheme that can offer you employment at Dorset Council through:
- an apprenticeship
- a traineeship
- work experience
Speak with your Personal Adviser about the opportunities and financial help we can give you to support you on the scheme.
We will guarantee to offer an interview to any Dorset Care Leaver who applies for an apprenticeship with the council. They must meet the person specification for the advertised post.
If you are on an apprenticeship, you can apply for an apprenticeship bursary of £3000. This is payable after 4 months and is accessed via your education provider.
If you are living independently and receiving an apprenticeship wage which is less than the national living wage we can give you a bursary of £200 per month towards your living costs. We can also give a contribution of up to £100 per month towards travel costs. This is paid for for the first year of apprenticeship.
The Education Employment Training and re-engagement and support team can support you if you live in Dorset and are not in:
- employment
- education
- training
They can help you to begin further education, find a job or training or reengage with education. Part of their support is also to check in with you from time to time to confirm what you are doing. They will check to see if you need any further support.
Can help you if you are over 21 to return to education, find a job or secure training.
They could also help you to look at your opportunities if you are working, or in education but are thinking about a career change
Speak with your Personal Adviser to find out more about how they may be able to help you.
We want to support you into Higher Education if this is right for you.
Propel is a great guide for Care Leavers about applying to higher and further education. You can find out about what financial and practical support each University offers to Care Leavers.
If you are studying at university, we can give you a Higher Education Bursary of £2000 paid over the duration of your course. This is £3000 when living in London. This is paid to you by your Personal Adviser in annual instalments
In the summer holiday between each year of your university course, we can give you up to 12 weeks support of up to £100 per week. This can help with getting holiday accommodation.
If you are studying an Open University course, you could receive a pro rata payment of up to £2000. The amount of bursary you receive will depend upon the credits being studied.
If you need a laptop, you could also access up to £300 towards IT equipment.
When you graduate from university, we want to celebrate with you and will give you a graduation gift of £50.