Describing nature in Dorset

The strategy will include a description of nature in Dorset, including:

  • habitats and species in Dorset
  • pressures on nature
  • opportunities for nature recovery

This description is currently being written with input from:

Nature recovery priorities and activities 

Through preparing the local nature recovery strategy, there will be agreed:

  • nature recovery priorities
  • potential activities that can help achieve the priorities

The advisory groups are drafting some proposed priorities. Local people will then help shape the nature recovery priorities and suggest activities they could do during wider public engagement. 

Wider engagement will also look at how the draft priorities and activities align with existing strategies, plans, and projects. 

Maps and data

The strategy will produce maps showing:

  • important nature areas
  • opportunities to make space for nature
  • suggested activities that would be most beneficial in each place

The mapping and data group are: 

  • exploring different data and methods to create the maps
  • planning how to make the maps useful to local people
  • looking at creating a dashboard to show progress over time

Species recovery

The strategy will consider which species are threatened or locally significant in Dorset and should be prioritised for recovery action. 

The species task and finish group are:

  • creating a species long list using data and inputs from local experts
  • following Defra's process to create a species priority list

Celebrating Nature Recovery Dorset

Working together will help deliver more, bigger, better and joined up action for nature. 

Nature Recovery Dorset is about: 

  • showcasing what local people are doing for nature 
  • advising how we can all do our bit
  • connecting people to help them create a nature recovery network

Coming soon

  • resources to help farmers, businesses, organisations, communities and residents celebrate and share their nature recovery activities
  • more ways for you to have a say on the priorities and get your project / site / land on the map

Progress updates

Read about what's happened so far to prepare Dorset's LNRS.