
Saturday 31 August at 7:30PM


WHAM!DURAN were created out of necessity during 1993 to try and meet the growing demand for eighties tribute acts on the college and university circuit. A lot of other acts that jumped on the "eighties tribute band wagon" have been lost on the way, either due to lack of demand on an individual level, or just the fierce competition of rival acts doing similar or virtual identical shows. But the cream, as they say, always rises to the top and this act is not one of the best tribute acts available. 

June 2023, marked WHAM!DURAN celebrating an incredible thirty years of professional engagements, that have taken them across the UK, playing in pretty much every town and city at some point, and also into Europe and the Middle East. 

WHAM!DURAN look forward to the next thirty years, and keeping the music of Wham! and Duran Duran very much alive and fresh!

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Tickets - £20

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