We put in safety railings along the harbourside on Custom House Quay in April 2021. This was in response to concerns raised by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

The HSE asked us to produce a suitable and sufficient risk assessment for Weymouth’s harbourside. In correspondence, we said:

"HSE’s view is that the default position, particularly in natural pedestrian routes and areas of high footfall, should be edge protection, unless there is a very good reason for that not to be a reasonably practicable solution."

This was followed up in further correspondence by the HSE Inspector, who stated:

"It is my expectation that the assessment should identify the need for further edge protection, or clear justification for not doing so."

Our Health and Safety Officers agreed to install safety barriers for edge protection.

The safety barriers were erected on the road side of the wall. Commercial vessels can continue to use the wall to moor up, unload etc. without having to work around the new structures.

Ultimately, this is about preventing further deaths and injuries at the harbour in the future.